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Deborah Muganda-Rippchen
I obtained a Ph.D in Computer Sciences at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison with a focus in Bioinformatics and Artificial Intelligence in 2015. I am in Mark Craven's research group. Prior to this I graduated
with a Bachelor of Sciences in Biochemistry and minor in Math from North Central College in
Naperville IL.
Research Interests
I am interested in the task of aligning and comparing
gene-expression time series. We are developing methods to determine
which sets of genes have a similar expression patterns across multiple
biological conditions.
Computer Sciences Course Work:
Current Research Project
My research group has previously developed an approach for aligning time
series that computes clustered alignments. This method finds clusters of
genes such that the genes within a cluster share a common alignment, but
each cluster is aligned independently of the others. We are now extending
this method in various ways. First, we examine ways of incorporating into
our approach a method for determining which genes are actually differentially
expressed over the biological conditions. Secondly, we seek to identify genes
that are expressed in a non-correlated fashion across the biological conditions
and therefore may be difficult to align. Finally, we are exploring ways of improving our
clustered alignments by adding background knowledge about pathways and cellular
processes to the models.
My CV in PDF
My Teaching Portfolio