Headshot of Derek Bean.
(Last updated: 5/4/24)
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Dr. Derek Bean

Teaching Faculty
Department of Statistics
University of Wisconsin - Madison

Contact Information




Useful Links

Contact Information

Office: 1586 Medical Sciences Center

E-mail: derekb [AT] stat [DOT] wisc [DOT] edu

Phone: 263-3615


Department of Statistics
1220 Medical Sciences Center
1300 University Ave.
Madison, WI 53706


Spring 2024: n/a

Fall 2023: Statistics 311

Spring 2023: n/a

Fall 2022: Statistics 421

Spring 2022: n/a

Fall 2021: Statistics 421

Spring 2021: Statistics 312

Fall 2020: Statistics 312

Spring 2020: Statistics 421

Fall 2019: Statistics 421

Spring 2019: n/a

Fall 2018: n/a

Spring 2018: Statistics 610

Fall 2017: Statistics 609

Spring 2017: Statistics 371, Statistics 610.

Fall 2016: Statistics 301.

Summer 2016: Statistics 301.

Spring 2016: Statistics 610.

Fall 2015: Statistics/Forestry/Horticulture 571.

Spring 2015: Statistics 310, Statistics 610.

Fall 2014: Statistics 312


My research interests lie primarily in high-dimensional statistics and ``big data'' settings. In my work, I have explored the statistical behavior of robust M-estimates of regression in the linear model in high-dimensions. I have also studied a high-dimensional signal separation problem called Non-Gaussian Components Analysis (NGCA), similar to Independent Component Analysis (ICA).

Selected publications on high-dimensional robust linear regression:

Here are some slides from talks I have given:


The most recent copy of my CV is here (pdf).

Useful Links