Segment tree and Binary Indexed Tree

Segment Tree

Is used in range query problems

Problem 1

Given an array a1,a2,...,an, n105, and q105 queries (l,r) that asked for the sum ri=lai.


Create a prefix sum array fi=ij=1aj

Then ri=lai=frfl1

Overall complexity: O(n+q)

Problem 1 upgraded

There are now 2 types of queries:

We cannot update f naively after type-2 queries
We need a data structure called Segment Tree

Create a Segment Tree:

Some operations that Segment Tree can do:

It can be proved that there will be at most 4n nodes in Segment Tree.

Fenwick Tree (Binary Indexed Tree)

A magical tree that uses the properties of the binary representations of numbers.

int updateBIT(int x,int v)

void getBIT(int x)


Some operations of Binary Indexed Tree

Comparison between Segment Tree (ST) and Binary Indexed Tree (BIT)

In Competitive Programming III