Djay Pallavur Naduvakkat

From my first Raspberry Pi project to my latest software project, I have always loved programming. Over the course of my undergraduate degree at UW-Madison, I have developed an ardent desire to utilize Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence to solve the world’s pressing problems.
Recently, my work has included the usage of Machine Learning and Deep Learning concepts to create Artificially Intelligent systems for the benefit of society.
I truly believe that these are only the first steps of my career and I am excited to find out what the future holds.
University of Wisconsin - Madison | Sep 2020 - May 2024
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science & Data Science, Minor in Entrepreneurship, College of Letters and Sciences Honors Program
- Languages: Python, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, C, C++, Dart
- Frameworks: React.js, Angular, Node.js, Express, Django, Flask
- Tools: Git, Heroku, MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, AWS, GCP, RESTful APIs
Software Development Engineer Intern @ Amazon | June 2023 - August 2023
Developed and deployed a self-service tool to allow the business team to perform tasks on retail products; Reduced tech effort by 80% and helped the team eliminate ~10 high-priority action items every month; Designed and engineered an AWS Lambda to perform asynchronous tasks on retail products
Software Engineer Intern @ Northwestern Mutual | June 2022 - August 2022
Engineered a Lamda function to monitor IP address availability in AWS VPC Subnets, reducing resource crashes by 20%; Assisted over 10 teams in implementing and fixing GitLab CI/CD pipelines as a trained and certified DevOps Practitioner; Developed and deployed a React app for NM to improve financial literacy in young adults
Full Stack Developer @ Demic LLC | April 2021 - April 2022 | Part-Time
Developed a cross-platform mobile application with React Native to connect with classmates at UW-Madison; Implemented accessibility features and CI/CD pipelines; Harnessed the power of social media to onboard over 1000 users
Peer Mentor for COMP SCI 320 @ UW-Madison | January 2022 - December 2022
Mentored and proctored over 500 students for COMP SCI 320 (Data Science Programming II) - Intermediate approach to Data Science programming using Python, a core Data Science course
Full Stack Developer @ Demic LLC | April 2021 - April 2022 | Part-Time
Developed a cross-platform mobile application with React Native to connect with classmates at UW-Madison; Implemented accessibility features and CI/CD pipelines; Harnessed the power of social media to onboard over 1000 users
Student Developer, Undergraduate Research Assistant @ People & Robotics Lab, UW-Madison | May 2021 - December 2021
Developed 3 chrome extensions to aid Traumatic Brain Injury patients in using social media with Sentiment Analysis for new posts; Deployed an API on AWS for handling requests from the extension; Engineered an Android app to record & analyze Alexa conversations
Software Development Intern @ Fleo Tech | April 2021 - August 2021
Developed a MEAN stack application with no prior knowledge; Designed an efficient API Backend with less than 1s response time; Setup AWS SNS for email and in-app notifications and alerts
Mobile Application Developer Intern @ Gen Next Education, Inc. | Mar 2020 - September 2020
Developed mobile application with Flutter ad Dart; Optimized network requests with caching images, reducing overall app load times by 50%
Talent Outreach Program Intern @ Cisco India | Aug 2019 - Jan 2020
Worked in a team under the mentorship of Cisco developers; Created a Web-based project for event management at schools; Developed the back-end system for the project, along with other developers
- Office Hours Waiting List: A platform to enhance how office hours are conducted, used by 500+ students & instructors at UW-Madison. [SITE]
- MusicRoom: A platform to control music on Spotify with your friends in the same room. Built with React.js, Django, and Spotify Web API. [CODE] [SITE]
- SpaceX Mission Viewer: A simple React.js website to display all SpaceX Mission details from the SpaceX Data API.[CODE]
- Smart Recorder: A simple recorder app developed with Flutter and publishedonthe PlayStore.
- AutoDust: AI system written in Python designed to detect the type of waste and segregate accordingly. [CODE]
- Instagram Bot: Python bot made to connect with like-minded individuals on Instagram in an automated fashion.
- Virtual Eye: Mobile application that uses Machine Learning and Object Detection to help visually impaired individuals understand their surroundings through audio cues.
Leadership & Awards
- Represented India at the Y4PT Global Hackathon, held at Sweden
- 1st Place at Amrita National Science Olympiad 2019, among 102 teams
- 1st Place at IBM sponsored Hackathon
- Ranked Top 20 in HP CodeWars 2019
- Selected Trainee for the CMS Collaboration at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland