I am a Ph.D. student at the University of Wisconsin, advised by Tom Reps and working on static analysis for program compatibility. We are investigating ways to produce concise descriptions of the input and output formats maniuplated by programs, and ways of determining compatibility between them.
In Spring 2009 and again in Fall 2011, I taught CS 536 (Introduction to Compilers).
I have some scripts and other programs available (including useful snippets for configuration files), as well as some writings on interesting aspects of software; this includes a description of the C++ typename keyword.
Driscoll, E., Thakur, A., and Reps, T., "OpenNWA: A Nested-Word Automaton Library." To appear in Proc. Computer-Aided Verification (CAV), 2012. [draft PDF] Discusses the OpenNWA library.
Driscoll, E., Burton, A., and Reps, T., "Checking compatibility of a producer and a consumer." In Proc. Found. of Software Engineering (FSE), 2011. [abstract; PDF]
Thakur, A., Lim, J., Lal, A., Burton, A., Driscoll, E., Elder, M., Andersen, T., and Reps, T., Directed proof generation for machine code. In Proc. Computer-Aided Verification (CAV), 2010. [abstract; CAV '10 version; Extended version (TR-1669); (c) Springer-Verlag]
Tech Reports
Burton, A., Thakur, A., Driscoll, E., and Reps, T., WALi: Nested-word automata. TR-1675, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, July 2010. [Superceeded by the CAV '12 version above; abstract; PDF]
Driscoll, E., Burton, A., and Reps, T., Checking compatibility of a producer and a consumer. TR-1674, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, June 2010. [abstract and PDF; superceeded by the FSE '11 version above]
Contact information in brief
driscoll at cs.wisc.edu
Office: 6358 CS (1210 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706)
Office phone: 608/265-9458
For more contact options, see contact.