Project 5: File Systems

Important Dates

Questions about the project? Send them to .

Due: Wednesday 12/14 by 9 pm.

Free Extension Due Date: Friday 12/16 by 9pm.

Both parts of Project 5 can be done with a single project partner.


There are two parts to this project:

  • File System Checker: to be done on a Linux platform. Before beginning, watch the first 40:30 minutes of this discussion section video.
  • File System Integrity: to be done in the xv6 hacking environment. Before beginning, we strongly recommend watching parts of videos from two previous discussion sections. The first video is relevant from minute 21:50 to the end; the second video is relevant from minute 32:00 to the end.


Both parts of this project can be done with a partner.

Copying code (from other groups) is considered cheating. Read this for more info on what is OK and what is not!

Handing It In

The handin directory is ~cs537-1/handin/SECTION/login/p5 where login is your login and SECTION is your unofficial discussion section (e.g, 301).

For the C/Linux part of this project, you should copy whatever is needed to build the file system checker (including a makefile) into the linux/ subdirectory.

For the xv6 part of the project, copy all of your source files (but not .o files, please, or binaries!) into the xv6/ subdirectory of your p5 directory. A simple way to do this is to copy everything into the destination directory directory, then type make to make sure it builds, and then type make clean to remove unneeded files.

If you have a partner for P5, please create a file called partner.login in the p5 directory that contains only your partner's CS login (and nothing else). Both partners should create the partner.login file, but only one partner should submit code.

Finally, into your p5 directory, please include a README file. In there, describe what you did a little bit. The most important bit, at the top, should be the authorship of the project, particularly if you had a partner. Include both partner's names and CS logins to receive credit; please put the README in BOTH partners' directories; put the code in just one. Do not put any code in the other person's handin directory!