
Sample exams:

Note that the 2015 Exam 1 was on the easy side. You should expect your exam to be slightly more challenging.

A bunch of old exams from CS 537, but in a different format.

Exams are worth 50% of your final grade. The exams will be closed book, and will cover material from class and the projects.

  • Midterm 1: Wednesday 10/05 7:15-9:15 pm in Bascom 272
  • Midterm 2: Wednesday 11/09 7:15-9:15 pm in Humanities 3650
  • Final Exam: Saturday 12/17 at 10:05 am in INGRAHAM B10

If you have an academic conflict during one of the 537 midterm exams you must officially let us know using the following procedure.

Form for midterm conflicts

Fill out the form specified above if you have an academic conflict with one of the 537 evening exams and you want to take an alternate exam. (Fill out this form even if you've earlier communicated with me in person or by email about a conflict.)

Of course, if you are able to resolve the conflict with the other class and take the 537 exam at the regular time, we will be very happy.

A bunch of official rules:

Once your conflict has been verified, you will receive an email confirmation that you will be taking an alternate exam at a time that does not conflict with your academic schedule.

So that we may schedule your alternate exam, you MUST email a copy of your course grid and the course syllabus showing your other exam conflict to 537-help.

You must fill out this form and provide us with this information no later than 2 weeks (14 days) before the relevant 537 exam.

We'll let you know of your alternate exam day/time no later than 5 days before the relevant 537 exam.