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The Perspective Assistant
Art Studio Chalkboard
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Multiperspective Imaging
Perspective History
Perspective Unit (SUMS)
Perspective and Pictures
Forms of Perspective by R. Fedoruk (UBC)
Distance to the Perspective Plane by T. Garcia-Salgado
Perspective Exhibit Review by J. P. Xavier
From the Vault of the Heavens by M. Jaff
Perspectiva Geometrica by M. A. Reynolds
Perspective in Mathematics and Art
Perspective Resources (Univ. Toronto)


Art of Anamorphosis
Anamorphic Photographs (Guelph Univ.)
Anamorphic Art (Princeton)
Anamorphosis Links
Anamorphic Images
Anamorphic Art (MathsYear)

Vision and Perception

Sighting the First Sense - Seeing is Believing
Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics and You
Art and Illusion Frame Set
Light: The Physics of Art and Visual Perception
Light: The Physics of Art and Visual Perception: Lecture 25
Escher and the Droste effect
Art and Optics
National Gallery of Art - Deceptions and Illusions: Five Centuries of Trompe l'Oeil Painting
Trompe l'Oeil
Visual Perception
Art and Illusion
Lightness Demonstrations (MIT)
Adelson's Illusions and Demos (MIT)
Ultimate Guide to Optical Illusions (
Grab Your Glasses: It's Optical Illusion Time (
Optical Illusions by Latisse
Vision Science
ViperLib - Visual Perception
Color Theory
Television, Radio and More

Science and Art

Art, Science, Technology, and Visual Studies: The Diatrope Institute
The Digital Michelangelo Project
Science and Renaissance Art
Art and Science
Mathematics and Art
Intersections of Art, Technology, Science and Culture
Renaissance Art and Science
Google Search: Art of Science Renaissance
Chronology of Art and Science


Leonardo Home Page
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci Online
Leonardo Da Vinci: The Man and the Inventor
BBCi - Leonardo
Le macchine di Leonardo da Vinci - Leonardo da Vinci Inventions
Leonardo da Vinci's Armored Vehicle
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo course
Leonardo da Vinci Biography
Leonardo and Renaissance Engineers
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci Studies (Veltman)
Leonardo da Vinci | Renaissance Artist and Inventor
Leonardo da Vinci - British Library
The Worlds of Leonardo, Michael Gorman, Stanford University
How Not to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci

Camera Obscura

Abelardo Morell
How to Make a Camera Obscura
What is a Camera Obscura?
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Vermeers Camera: Uncovering the Truth Behind the Masterpieces by Philip Steadman
The Magic Mirror of Life: An Appreciation of the Camera Obscura
Camera Obscura
Essential Vermeer

Camera Lucida

Camera Lucida Information
Camera Lucida by TRI
Buy a Camera Lucida
Camera Lucida Modern Version For Sale $169, £79, Euro150.

Hockney Debate

David Hockney Secret Knowledge
Films for the Humanities and Sciences - David Hockney's Secret Knowledge
The New Yorker story on Hockney theory
Welcome to :
BBC Renaissance Secrets
Charles Falco's FAQ
Weschler's New Yorker article
Abstract of Falco talk
David Stork's work related to David Hockney's conjecture that early Renaissance painters used optical devices
C. Tyler Arguments Against Hockney
The New York Review of Books: Through a Glass, Darkly
Reflections on Art: Science News Online, May 31, 2003

Renaissance Science and Technology

Science in the Renaissance: The Turning Point for Knowledge
Mathematics (Rome Reborn: The Vatican Library & Renaissance Culture)
Timeline of Inventions and Innovations
The History of Invention and Technology Timelines
History of Technology
History of Math
Latitude: The Art and Science of Fifteenth-Century Navigation
History of Computation - 16-19th Century
History of Computation - Introduction
National Archive for the History of Computing
Medieval & Rennaissance Technology
Renaissance Links - Science and Math
Math in the Renaissance (Leeds)
Medieval Science
Foundations of Computing
Adam's Princeton Home Page
Scientific Revolution Home Page (Univ. Florida)

Vision and Art

Art and Illusion
Geometry in Art and Architecture, Paul Calter, Dartmouth College
Science and Art in Italy
Leonardo On-Line: Art, Science and Technology
The Art of Renaissance Science
The Art of Renaissance Science Table of Contents
CHArt - Computers and the History of Art
Analysis of Images - Introduction by Ross Woodrow, Art Theory
Art and Optics
The Geometry of Seeing (Getty Exhibitions)
Analysis of Visual Images - University of Newcastle, Australia

Royal College of Art
Ambrosiana Drawings
Introduction to Emerging Research Areas of Interest to Artists
Web Gallery of Art
Art and Optics : Sidney Perkowitz
Art and Science in the Classroom
Science, Art and Technology
Art Gallery: Famous Paintings
NGA - Italian Painting 15th Century
Leonardo Da Vinci Reproduction Oil Painting: Biography Reproductions Art
ArtLex on Renaissance Art
Web Gallery
Olga's Gallery
Atara Gallery


ITRL/Harvard Center for Italian Renaissance Studies
Italian Renaissance
NM's Creative Impulse: Renaissance
Italian Renaissance
Italian Renaissance
Life in Renaissance Times
Florence Bibliography Listmania! Florentine Renaissance
Web Links - The Renaissance
AllLearn - Library
NM's Creative Impulse: Medieval World


Institute and Museum of History of Science - Florence
Science Museum - The Art of Invention
A Selection: Storia della Scienza - History of Science
Mechanical Marvels Exhibit
Museo dei Ragazzi, Florence


Edward Adelson
Eric Cochrane
Antonio Criminisi
Fredo Durand
James Elkins
Pat Hanrahan
Donald D. Hoffman
Martin Kemp
Marc Levoy
V. S. Ramachandran
David Stork
James T. Todd
Chris Tyler
Tyler's Eye Lab
William Warren, Jr.