Note: Typically, final grades have been distributed approximately as
follows in recent semesters I have taught CS 540. Of course, interpret
these as rough guidelines because scores cluster differently from
semester to semester. The median student's course grade is usually a
low B. The percentiles refer to ranking in the class based
on the final weighted score.
A top ~15-20% of class
AB next ~15-20%
B next ~15-25%
BC next ~15-20%
C next ~15-20%
D next ~2-5%
F next ~2-5%
Midterm: Thursday, October 24, 7:15 p.m. - 9:15 p.m.
Final: Tuesday, December 17, 12:25 p.m. - 2:25 p.m.
Students with last name starting with A - F in room 1111 Humanities
Students with last name starting with G - Z in room 3650 Humanities
Exam grading issues must be resolved with the instructor within one week after it is returned.
Homework Assignments
Homework assignments will include written
problems and programming problems in Java.
All problems are to be done individually unless stated otherwise.
Accounts will be provided on the Computer Science Department's instructional
Linux workstations located in rooms 1355, 1358, 1366 and 1368 CS.
Assignment grading questions must be resolved with the TA or instructor within one week after it is returned.
Late Penalties
All assignments are due by 11:59 p.m. on the due date.
One (1) day late (weekday or weekend), will result in 10% of the
*total* points for the assignment
deducted. So, for example, if an assignment is due on a Wednesday and it is
handed in any time on Thursday, a 10% penalty will
be deducted. Two (2) days late, 25% of the total points will be deducted;
three (3) days late, 50% of the total points will be deducted.
No homework can be turned in more than three (3) days late,
regardless of whether or not any free late days are used.
A total of three (3) free late days may be used throughout the
semester without penalty. They will be applied to the first late days incurred
on the assignments.
Academic Integrity
All examinations, programming assignments, and written homeworks must
be done individually unless explicitly stated otherwise. Cheating and
plagiarism will be dealt with in accordance with University
procedures (see the
UW Academic Misconduct Policies and Procedures).
Hence, for example, code for programming assignments must not
be developed in groups, nor should code be shared. You are
encouraged to discuss with your peers, the TA or
the instructor ideas, approaches and techniques broadly, but not at a level
of detail where specific implementation issues are described by anyone.
If you have any questions on this, ask the instructor before you act.