CS 766Computer VisionFall 2006

HW #4: Your Own Project
Tentative Title and Abstract Due: Tuesday, November 21 (submit electronically)
Class Presentations: Tuesday, December 12 and Thursday, December 14
Final Paper and Web Page Due: Tuesday, December 19 at 5pm

The last assignment is to do a project based on an area of computer vision of your choice. Projects can be either individual or in teams of two. The intended effort per person is approximately 2 times that of a previous homework assignment. You can choose to do any combination of programming, reading relevant technical papers, and developing new theory or techniques. Except in unusual circumstances, a project will involve reading some papers from the literature, implementing some method(s), experimentally testing the method(s) on appropriate images, and writing a report that describes the problem, the approach implemented, a summary of experiments, and evaluation of results. The length will depend a lot on the type of project. Most reports will be about 15 pages long. The style should be in the form of a conference paper. That is, title, abstract, introduction, motivation, problem statement, related work, theory, method, experimental results, and concluding remarks.

If your project is based primarily on a published paper, include a brief summary of the method's major steps and ideas, emphasizing key points that you want to stress about it. Also, include a clear description of assumptions of the method and a list of all the parameters that must be specified by the user.

Be sure to clearly state what parts of your code you wrote yourself and which parts you got from elsewhere, citing sources of the code you did not write and the form of the code (e.g., from a MATLAB toobox or from an individual's implementation). Citing sources for code you've used is as important as citing publications!

If you're doing a project that's primarily programming, first develop a specific set of operations to be performed and tested. If you're doing little or no programming, you can first focus on selecting a set of readings in an area. An extended survey would be okay as a project if there is a large enough set of related papers compared in a detailed way. Just abstracting a set of readings is not sufficient. Ideally, I would prefer some combination of reading and original thinking and original work that could consist of a simple extension of, combination of, or theoretical analysis of previous work.

What to Hand In

Due Tuesday, November 21: A tentative title and abstract of your project, e-mailed to the instructor (dyer@cs.wisc.edu). These will be posted on the class web page for your interest.

Due December 12 and 14: Class presentation summarizing your project. Include (1) problem statement, (2) motivation, (3) summary of method, and (4) results. Each presentation will be about 10 minutes.

Due Tuesday, December 19 at 5 p.m.: Hardcopy of your final project report. In addition, please e-mail the instructor (dyer@cs.wisc.edu) a final title and abstract of your project. Submit your source code electronically to the handin directory for hw4. Also, create a web page for your project and email the link to it to the instructor.

Some Project Topic Suggestions

The following are some sample ideas for topic areas. These could be used to stimulate your own thinking about areas of interest and lead to a narrower, more specific project. I much prefer in-depth treatment of a narrow topic over shallow treatment of a broader problem. I encourage you to talk to me about ideas that you are thinking about early on in order to help you focus your efforts. Finally, there are digital still and video cameras available if you need to digitize some images for your project. Note: I will add more ideas to the top of the following list as additional ideas come to me.