The different useful bash commands
The directory commands:
- cd: Changes current directory to the given address
- mkdir: Creates a directory with the given name
- mv: Moves a file to a given directory
The general files commands
- vim: Editor that can create any kind of file and that allows the user to write values or code in this file.
- cp: Copies a given file
- cat: Visualizes the given file without allowing the user to change the code of values of it.
The GIT commands
Git and its commands help developpers around the world to share their code and work together from different machines.
In order to do that, git proposes several useful commands.
Git Website
Note: all command must be preceded by the word git, so bach can know the command is a bash command
- add: adds a change in the working directory to the staging area
- commit: captures a snapshot of the project's currently staged changes
- push: used to upload local repository content to a remote repository.
- pull: used to fetch and download content from a remote repository and immediately update the local repository to match that content