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Graduation, UW Biotechnology Center, May 2021

RoheLab, Front of Statistics Department, March 2020

We threw Ye a surprise party, and it was a big success, Oct 2019.

Statistics family, Penn Park, Mid-Autumn Festival 2019

Statistics family, Burrows Park, Mid-Autumn Festival 2018

Congratulations to Rene's and Kailei's graduation, August, 2018
(Left) Ye, Pixu, Daniel, Chenyang, Nadya, Rene,
Cony, Kailei, Sunduz, Peng, Fan (right)

The Pioneer Courthouse, Portland, Summer 2018

Karl's Group, Spring '18
(Left) Emma, Yilin, Muzhe, Fan, Yini, Karl (right)

Hands-on alligator, Everglades National Park, Florida '18
UW-Madison Statistics Family, Burrows Park, Mid-Autumn Festival 2017
Young statisticians, Burrows Park, Mid-Autumn Festival 2017

Group meeting, summer 2017
(Left) Karl, Fan, Yilin, Yulin, Muzhe, Song (right)

Capital Madison at dusk, July 2017

Pixu's baby shower, BioTech, May 2017
(Left) Rene, Ye, Sunyoung, Cony, Anru (new Dad),
Pixu (new Mom),
Sunduz, Yury, Duy, Fan, Kylie (right)

Statistics Family, UW-Madison, Mid-Autumn Festival 2016

Lake Mendota, Daytime vs. Dust

UW-Madison Campus, Summer 2016

ZJUers @ CSST 2015
(Left) Yuqing, Lifeng, Ziming, Liujia, Yandi, Fan, Kuan,
Shun, Yingzhu, Rita, Yubin, Xin, Peng (right), Zhe (bottom)

Thapae Gate, Thailand, 2016
At the University of Wisconsin-Madison, I earned my Ph.D. in Statistics in May 2021, under the supervision of Professor Karl Rohe and Professor Sunduz Keles. As a milestone, I received an M.S. degree in Computer Sciences in December 2019. Before coming to Madison, I completed my B.S. in Mathematics at Zhejiang University in July 2016, where I studied with Professor Kangsheng Liu and Professor Zhiyi Tan.
I grew up in the lovely city of Fuzhou. I study networks and genomics, among many things. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter to see more!
Broadly, I am interested in network analysis and computational genomics. In particular, my initial training project focused on key palyers identification in (social) networks. Then, I started studying community detection (clustering) and inference on networks. Recently, learning (genes/proteins) regulatory networks has become one of my favorite topics as well.
Presentations & Publications
Find my recent activities and updates from the Newsletters.
See my Google Scholar profile for a list of publications.
Murmuration -- flocks, networked public opinions, and trending topics on Twitter
SURF -- Statistical Utility for RBP Functions
Seminars Info: Statistics, Probability, Bioinformatics
ENCODE, short for Encyclopedia of DNA Elements
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