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> ~farleyb
Research Assistant |
I'm an alumnus of the Computer Sciences department at UW-Madison. I completed
my Masters there in May of 2012, and did my undergrad in
Computer Science at Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota. Before that, I spent
most of my childhood in a pseudo-suburb of Denver, Colorado.
I'm now working as a Software Engineer at Amazon, in the AWS Identity and Access Management
Research Interests:
While at UW-Madison, I worked with Tom Ristenpart in the area of cloud
computing and security. We focused on measuring various properties of
Amazon's EC2 and analyzing them from both security and performance perspectives.
Previously, I worked under Tom Reps and Somesh Jha doing research in programming languages
and security. The title of the project was "Policy Weaving for System Security" and dealt
with creating automatic methods of modifying source-language programs to satisfy a given
high-level security policy in a particular security paradigm.
CS 564: Database Management Systems
CS 642: Introduction to Information Security
CS 704: Principles of Programming Languages
CS 707: Mobile and Wireless Networking
CS 736: Advanced Operating Systems
CS 739: Distributed Systems
CS 787: Advanced Algorithms
CS 790: Master's Thesis
Here is a link to my final project for Advanced OS.
Spot price history
564 Bonus Project