CS 536: Introduction to Programming Languages and Compilers
Spring 2006

MWF 11:00-11:50 (1325 Computer Science)

Charles N. Fischer


Charles N. Fischer ( fischer@cs.wisc.edu)
6367 CS Building (262-6635)
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 10:30-noon, or by appointment.

Kevin Roundy

Teaching Assistant

Kevin Roundy ( roundy@cs.wisc.edu)
5385 CS Building (262-1079)
Office Hours: Monday 9:30-11:00, Friday 3:00-4:30, or by appointment.

Class Text:

Draft chapters of Crafting a Compiler featuring Java, Charles N. Fischer, Richard J. LeBlanc, and Ron Cytron. Available from the DoIt Tech store.

What's New (Check this regularly)

General Course Information


Programming Assignments and Homeworks



Lecture Notes

Useful Programming Tools

Fri Jan 13 16:30:10 CST 2006