CS 701, Project 2

CS 701, Project 2
Global Register Allocation

Due: October 23, 2008 (midnight)
Not accepted after: November 4, 2008 (midnight)

CS 701 focuses primarily on the backend phases of modern compilers. This involves optimization, instruction selection, register allocation and code scheduling.

To reinforce our understanding of the concepts involved, we'll do several projects that implement various backend components. We'll use the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure distributed by the University of Illinois. (LLVM means "Low Level Virtual Machine"). LLVM was developed by a group led by Vikram Adve, an alumnus of the University of Wisconsin. Chris Lattner, Vikram's first Ph.D. student, played a major role in the development of LLVM.


LLVM is a compiler framework. Instead of being a single, monolithic program that compiles, assembles, and links a handful of source code files, LLVM supplies multiple programs to handle the various aspects of compilation. Furthermore, the translation from C code to assembly code is broken into several stages: among others, a frontend llvmgcc, an optimizer opt, and a backend llc. LLVM also includes many more tools; most of these are documented at http://llvm.org/docs/CommandGuide/index.html

If we were merely using LLVM as a compiler, this organization would probably be a source of frustration. But since we're working within LLVM, this separation of function gives us many different opportunities to inspect code at various points in the compilation process, helping debugging and keeping the source code simpler.

Build LLVM

We recommend using the bash shell to build LLVM. (To switch to the bash shell, just enter the command bash.) To build LLVM on a CSL Linux machine, cd to a directory where you'd like the root of the installation to appear (we just use the home directory), and do:

    source ~cs701-1/public/llvm/scripts/install

This will make the llvm root directory. That directory will contain at least:

While LLVM is compiling, go ahead and add its binaries and tools to your PATH. If you're unsure how to do this, put the following near the end of your ~/.bash_profile file, substituting the directory where you ran the install script for [INST]:

    export PATH=$PATH:[INST]/llvm/llvm-2.3/Debug/bin:[INST]/llvm/scripts

Now go away and eat or do some reading or something; the installation typically takes about 30 minutes. LLVM occupies about 1.5 GB once compiled; make sure you have enough free space before trying to install LLVM.

So that the changes to your PATH take effect, either restart your console session or do source ~/.bash_profile.


Just as C carries the extension .c and assembly carries the extension .s LLVM bitcode carries the extension .bc and LLVM assembly carries the extension .ll.

LLVM is composed of many separate pieces. To use LLVM to turn a C source file into a SPARC executable we need to:

To easily run programs on the department's Sun machines, we provide the simple script sparc. From any CSL Linux machine, sparc program args will run program args on a random n## node, which are departmental SPARC SunOS machines. This will be handy if you want to do your programming in Linux but need to run your final output on a SPARC processor, especially since we haven't installed LLVM itself on the local SunOS machines. (In particular, the LLVM frontend depends on having a newer gcc and some libraries not installed on the Suns.) Be sure all files passed to the sparc script are in AFS, so that the remote SPARC processor can directly access them.

Since we're cross-compiling with LLVM, if we want to include standard system-dependent headers in our C code, we'll need to preprocess that code using a SPARC C preprocessor. The simplest way to preprocess foo.c is:

    sparc /s/std/bin/cpp foo.c -o foo-pp.c

To turn the preprocessed C into LLVM bitcode:

    llvmgcc -emit-llvm -O0 -c foo-pp.c -o foo.bc

To map memory locations to virtual registers (using SSA analysis):

    opt -mem2reg foo.bc -f -o foo.bc

To turn LLVM bitcode into human-readable LLVM assembly:

    llvm-dis -f foo.bc

I'm not really sure why you'd need to do this, but if you want to turn human-readable LLVM assembly back into LLVM bitcode:

    llvm-as -f foo.ll

To compile LLVM bitcode down to SPARC assembly:

    llc -march=sparc -f foo.bc

Finally, to turn SPARC assembly language into an executable binary:

    sparc /s/std/bin/gcc foo.s -o foo

To execute your binary:

    sparc foo

Reference versions of the above LLVM commands are all available in ~cs701-1/public/llvm/bin, and the sparc script is in ~cs701-1/public/llvm/scripts. The scripts directory also contains count-inst and rt, which are useful testing scripts, as discussed below.


Let's get a little more familiar with LLVM's instructions. Consider the following tiny C program:

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    int n;
    int sum;
    sum = 0;
    for (n = 0; n < 100; n++)
        sum = sum + n*n;
    return sum;

Running LLVM's frontend llvmgcc and its disassembler llvm-dis produces the following LLVM assembly code:

; ModuleID = 'bitcode.bc'
target datalayout = "e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32
target triple = "i386-pc-linux-gnu"

define i32 @main(i32 %argc, i8** %argv) nounwind  {
        %argc_addr = alloca i32         ; <i32*> [#uses=1]
        %argv_addr = alloca i8**                ; <i8***> [#uses=1]
        %retval = alloca i32            ; <i32*> [#uses=2]
        %sum = alloca i32               ; <i32*> [#uses=4]
        %n = alloca i32         ; <i32*> [#uses=6]
        %tmp = alloca i32               ; <i32*> [#uses=2]
        %"alloca point" = bitcast i32 0 to i32          ; <i32> [#uses=0]
        store i32 %argc, i32* %argc_addr
        store i8** %argv, i8*** %argv_addr
        store i32 0, i32* %sum, align 4
        store i32 0, i32* %n, align 4
        br label %bb8

bb:             ; preds = %bb8
        %tmp1 = load i32* %n, align 4           ; <i32> [#uses=1]
        %tmp2 = load i32* %n, align 4           ; <i32> [#uses=1]
        %tmp3 = mul i32 %tmp1, %tmp2            ; <i32> [#uses=1]
        %tmp4 = load i32* %sum, align 4         ; <i32> [#uses=1]
        %tmp5 = add i32 %tmp3, %tmp4            ; <i32> [#uses=1]
        store i32 %tmp5, i32* %sum, align 4
        %tmp6 = load i32* %n, align 4           ; <i32> [#uses=1]
        %tmp7 = add i32 %tmp6, 1                ; <i32> [#uses=1]
        store i32 %tmp7, i32* %n, align 4
        br label %bb8

bb8:            ; preds = %bb, %entry
        %tmp9 = load i32* %n, align 4           ; <i32> [#uses=1]
        %tmp10 = icmp sle i32 %tmp9, 99         ; <i1> [#uses=1]
        %tmp1011 = zext i1 %tmp10 to i8         ; <i8> [#uses=1]
        %toBool = icmp ne i8 %tmp1011, 0                ; <i1> [#uses=1]
        br i1 %toBool, label %bb, label %bb12

bb12:           ; preds = %bb8
        %tmp13 = load i32* %sum, align 4                ; <i32> [#uses=1]
        store i32 %tmp13, i32* %tmp, align 4
        %tmp14 = load i32* %tmp, align 4                ; <i32> [#uses=1]
        store i32 %tmp14, i32* %retval, align 4
        br label %return

return:         ; preds = %bb12
        %retval15 = load i32* %retval           ; <i32> [#uses=1]
        ret i32 %retval15
#include <stdio.h>

The loop structure is pretty visible here. The basic block with label bb8 is the head of the for loop, and the block with label bb is the body of that for loop.

Some salient remarks about LLVM assembly code:

This LLVM assembly compiles down to the following SPARC assembly:

        .align  16
        .globl  main
        .type   main, #function
        save -120, %o6, %o6
        st %i0, [%i6+-4]
        st %i1, [%i6+-8]
        sethi 0, %l0
        st %l0, [%i6+-16]
        st %l0, [%i6+-20]
        ba .BB1_2       ! bb8
.BB1_1: ! bb
        ld [%i6+-20], %l0
        ld [%i6+-16], %l1
        smul %l0, %l0, %l0
        add %l0, %l1, %l0
        st %l0, [%i6+-16]
        ld [%i6+-20], %l0
        add %l0, 1, %l0
        st %l0, [%i6+-20]
.BB1_2: ! bb8
        ld [%i6+-20], %l0
        subcc %l0, 100, %l0
        bl .BB1_1       ! bb
.BB1_3: ! bb12
        ld [%i6+-16], %l0
        st %l0, [%i6+-24]
        st %l0, [%i6+-12]
.BB1_4: ! return
        ld [%i6+-12], %i0
        restore %g0, %g0, %g0

Modifying LLVM

An advantage of LLVM is that even though it's a fully-featured C compiler and is extensible to new languages and other machine targets, its source code is actually fairly sanely engineered. It is not terribly unpleasant to modify LLVM's source code. Another advantage of LLVM is that it has pretty extensive documentation. I recommend that you start with the following pages:

Most of LLVM's function-level documentation is in comments in header files. As such, I've found the source code underlying their Doxygen documentation to be particularly helpful.

Overview of Project 2

To complete Project 2, you'll need to do the following:

For the grader's sake, while completing Project 2 do not change any files in the LLVM tree except these two. You may add files, but do not change any but Stroll.cpp and RegAllocGraphColoring.cpp.

Draw Pretty Pictures

It will be very useful for you to piece together some sort of Graph class. You'll need this to be able to do live range analysis at an instruction-level granularity. For debugging purposes, it'll be exceedingly useful if your Graph class can print itself in a format that the GraphViz programs dot and neato can read. dot will read a file in this format and draw hierarchical graphs; it's excellent for drawing CFGs. neato reads the same file format, but uses a layout algorithm better tuned to drawing undirected graphs, such as live-range interference graphs.

GraphViz syntax is pretty straightforward. A few examples follow, with ugly, un-antialiased images:

    digraph {
        a -> b;
        b -> c;
        root -> a;
        a -> c;
        b -> d;
        d -> a;

Compiled with dot:

    graph {
        a [label="First"];
        b [label="Second"];
        c [label="Most Awesome"]

        a -- b;
        b -- c;
        a -- c;
        a -- d;
        d -- e;
        e -- b;

Compiled with neato:

Some of the output formats for dot and neato appear to have some strange issues; however, the scripts dot2pdf and neato2pdf, in the directory llvm/scripts, produce rather handsome pdfs. For instance, the command

    dot2pdf main.dot

will produce main.dot.pdf from the GraphViz file main.dot. GraphViz files can be much more elaborate than these, with labels on edges, colored and shaped nodes, various fonts, and so on. If you're interested in using these more advanced options, you should check out the GraphViz documentation.

Stroll Down the CFG: Stroll.cpp

If you installed LLVM as directed above, you should have an llvm directory that contains a subdirectory llvm-2.3 and a subdirectory scripts. For this part of the project, you'll work on the file:


The class Stroll already here is an opt pass, and its Makefile is configured to build it as a dynamic library. Thus, after we've gotten the Stroll class built and installed, we'll be able to call it from opt as follows:

    llvm/bin/opt -load llvm/lib/Stroll.so -analyze -stroll foo.bc

Exactly what's going on here?

For more information about opt, see its documentation online.

If you do make && make install from the Stroll directory, and then actually try the above opt command, you'll probably find the output pretty uninformative. Let's make Stroll say a little more about the actual bitcode file it runs upon:

  1. One way to get information from a pass driven by opt, llc, or lli is to define statistics, and pass the -stats flag to the driving program. In Stroll.cpp, the FunctionCount statistic is already defined. Given a variable name and a string, the STATISTICS macro defines a global unsigned integer of the given name, and uses the given string as a description of the variable.

    Add statistics to count the total number of basic blocks and instructions in the given module M, and then populate all three statistics with correct values.

  2. When opt is called with the -analyze option, it calls the print function of each analysis pass after running that pass's runOn... function. Set up the Stroll pass so that print produces a report giving a count for each of the following disjoint classes of LLVM instructions:

    The Instruction class has convenient methods to determine an instruction's membership in some of these classes; you'll need to dig a little harder to do others cleanly.

  3. The function Function::viewCFGOnly can show you the CFG of a function. Change Stroll so that it displays the CFG of the function main in whatever module it's reading. (The standard method to do this works fine on the CSL machines; if you're doing this project remotely over ssh, you need to configure X forwarding so that it displays nicely.)

    One drawback to using viewCFG or viewCFGOnly is that they're pretty inflexible - you can't change the basic block labels, you can't rewire the graph itself, and you can't get graphs of anything besides basic blocks. So, to make sure that your graph class's output works nicely, and that you're descending the CFG properly, set up the Stroll pass so that it uses your Graph class to print the CFG. Compare this with the output of Function::viewCFG.

Color Graphs: RegAllocGraphColoring.cpp

Build This Code

To actually implement the graph-coloring register allocator, you'll want to edit:


While there is a nice, clean way to make opt passes like Stroll.cpp into a dynamic library without needing to recompile and relink the entire system, there is no such convenience for backend components. To do a local build, to at least make sure that your code compiles before linking it all together, you can run make in the CodeGen directory. This will just build object files for changed code.

When you're ready to make a full test build so that you can run your compiler, go to llvm/llvm-2.3 and run make. This can take up to a few minutes. On a multicore machine, you can speed things up a little by passing -jn to make, which instructs it to spawn multiple processes. A good rule of thumb is to set n one larger than the number of processors. Passing -s to make will make it less verbose, which can also yield a noticeable speed boost.

Go ahead and do this build now; RegAllocGraphColoring is initially programmed to spill all registers. So, it is a working register allocator, just a very poorly-performing register allocator. In fact, you should probably go ahead and try running rt on your compiled LLVM compiler.

Now that you're armed with your Graph class, the documentation at http://llvm.org, and the code hooks provided in RegAllocGraphColoring.cpp, you're ready to do live range analysis, and ultimately register allocation.

Compute Live Ranges

We'll define a live range in terms of the basic blocks in which the range's value is used. If a live range, L, of variable V, is assigned register R, then all references to V in the basic blocks comprising L will map to R.

Compute Reaching Definitions

Let b be a basic block. If variable V is defined (that is, assigned to) in b, we'll define

    DefsOut(b) = {b}

This means that at the end of block b, the only definitions to V that matter are those within b (in particular the last definition to V in b).

Similarly, DefsIn(b) will be the set of basic blocks whose assignments to V could reach (and be used) at the beginning of b. For the first basic block (b0) of a subprogram (where execution begins)

    DefsIn(b0) = {}

That is, no definitions to local variables exist at the very beginning of a subprogram. To handle parameters, we'll assume a special entry block, at the procedure's entry point, that contains initial assignments to all parameters. This allows formal parameters to treated like other local variables. They may or may not be allocated registers, depending on the demand for registers and the benefit of placing parameters in registers.

For all other blocks, let Pred(b) be the set of immediate predecessor blocks to b in the CFG. Then

    DefsIn(b) = Union (over p in Pred(b)) DefsOut(p)

This reflects the fact that the definitions to V that reach the beginning of block b are exactly those that reach the end of any of b's immediate predecessors.

Finally, if there are no definitions to variable V in block b, then

    DefsOut(b) = DefsIn(b)

If there are no definitions to V within block b, then those definitions that reached the beginning of b also reach b's end.

The computation of DefsIn and DefsOut is a forward data flow analysis. That is, we are analyzing information about definitions as they "flow forward" along the control flow graph. Later in the semester, we'll study data flow analysis in detail. For now, you can use a simple worklist algorithm, transmitting information about definitions from their sources to their possible uses. Analyze one variable at a time, using the same CFG, but different definitions and uses (depending on the particular local variable).

The reason we care about DefsIn and DefsOut is that if we plan to assign variable V to a register and use that register in block b, then all the blocks that might have assigned a value to V (DefsIn(b)) better have assigned into the same register.

Once a value is computed into a register, we won't automatically keep that value in a register for the rest of the subprogram. Rather, we'll keep the value only so long as it may still be used; that is, as long as it is live.

Perform Live Variable Analysis

Let V be a variable and b a basic block. We'll define LiveIn(b) to be true if V's current value can possibly be used in b or a successor to b, before an assignment to V occurs (or the end of the subprogram is reached). If LiveIn(b) is true, it makes sense to keep V's value in a register. If LiveIn(b) is false, no register is currently needed for V's value (the value is dead).

We define LiveIn(b) as

   If V is used in b before it is defined in b then
        LiveIn(b) = true
   If V is defined in b before it is used in b then
        LiveIn(b) = false
   If V is neither used nor defined in b then
        LiveIn(b) = LiveOut(b)

LiveOut(b) = false if b has no successor (i.e., if b ends with a return). Otherwise, let Succ(b) be the set of basic blocks that are b's immediate successors in the CFG.

    LiveOut(b) = OR (over s in Succ(b)) LiveIn(s)

This rule states that variable V is live at the end of block b if it is live at the beginning of any of b's immediate successors. If any path from b leads to a use of V prior to any new definition of V, then V is considered live.

The computation of LiveIn and LiveOut is a backward data flow analysis. We are analyzing information about possible future use of variables by propagating information "backward" along the control flow graph. Again, you can use a simple worklist algorithm, transmitting information about uses backwards from their sites to other predecessor blocks. Analyze one variable at a time, using the same CFG, but different definitions and uses (depending on the particular local variable).

Choose Live Ranges

We can now partition all definitions and uses of variable V into one or more live ranges. Initially, we'll guess that each definition of V leads to a distinct live range. For each block b that contains a definition of V define

   Range(b) = b Union {k | b in DefsIn(k) AND LiveIn(k)}

The live range associated with the definition of V that appears in block b is b plus all blocks, k, that are reached by b's definition and in which V is live on entrance.

We now have an initial set of live ranges of V. But are they all independent? If more than one definition can reach the same use, we want all such definitions to be part of the same live range (so that they consistently use the same register). Hence we add the rule:

   If Range1 Intersect Range2 is non-empty
   Then union together Range1 and Range2 into one composite live range

Build the Interference Graph

We've done a lot of work to split references to V into live ranges. The advantage is that live ranges are independent, making register allocation easier. Further, many basic blocks may be in none of V's live ranges. In these blocks allocating V to a register is not even considered.

When we break up each local variable into live ranges, we can expect to get many live ranges -- certainly more than the number of available registers. Now we must decide which live ranges get allocated a register. Since live ranges don't always overlap, the same register may sometimes be safely allocated to more than one live range.

To decide which live ranges are allocated registers, we create an interference graph. In this graph, nodes are live ranges. An arc connects two nodes (live ranges) if they interfere -- that is if they contain any basic blocks in common. Live ranges that interfere may not be assigned the same register.

Color the Interference Graph

Assume we have R registers available for allocation to live ranges. We may model register allocation to live ranges as a graph coloring problem. Each register corresponds to a color. We try to color the interference graph in such a way that no two connected nodes share the same color. If we can do so, we're done! No two ranges that overlap (interfere) have the same color (i.e., use the same register).

Unfortunately, graph coloring is an NP-complete problem. Efficient (polynomial) algorithms are not known (and probably do not exist). We can use the following approach, originally suggested by Chaitin.

  1. Assume we have R registers (colors). Any node that has fewer than R neighbors can always be colored. Remove it from the interference graph and push it on a stack.

  2. Repeat step (1) until the graph is empty or no more nodes can be removed. If the graph is empty do step (4).

  3. For each remaining node compute the cost of not assigning it a register. This cost is number of extra instructions needed if the live range must load and store values from memory. Scale each added instruction by a factor of 10**nest, where nest is the loop nesting level at which the instruction appears.

    Let n be the number of neighbors a node has. Select that node which has the smallest value of cost/n. Remove it from the graph and push it on a stack. Return to step (1).

  4. Pop each node from the stack. If its neighbors use fewer than R colors, give it any color that doesn't interfere. Otherwise, discard the node.

When you've decided which live ranges are to be allocated a particular register you will then direct the code generator to directly reference that register rather than use the virtual register.

Allocate Registers: RegAllocGraphColoring.cpp

First, you should look at the documentation for the LLVM target-independent register allocator

In particular, understand that LLVM actually provides an layer of abstraction between details of a machine's architecture and a register allocator; in the code, these are mostly in classes that begin with Target. Thus, you want to isolate decisions about the target architecture to those. If you do so correctly, your register allocator will work on any architecture for which LLVM has a backend. However, your register allocator will only be graded for its performance on SPARC machines.

Things that get called "registers" in LLVM can be either "physical" or "virtual" registers. Really, a register is just an unsigned integer, used as a token to manage the resource, rather like a Unix file handle. Except for instructions which are defined to target specific physical registers (arithmetic error flags, for instance, or the arithmetic accumulator in X86), the program entering register allocation uses entirely virtual registers. After register allocation, it must contain only physical registers. Physical and virtual registers use the same numberspace: a register is a physical register if it's between 0 and the number of registers in the architecture, and it's otherwise a virtual register. For safety's sake, though, you should do such checks in your code via TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister().

You are not required to allocate floating-point registers. (You can do so for extra credit, but you will have to handle register aliases (single vs. double length registers) and saving and restoring registers around subprogram calls.) You can tell if a register is floating-point by the TargetRegisterClass to which it belongs. In particular, on the SPARC, TargetRegisterInfo::getRegClass(n) yields floating point TargetRegisterClass for n equal to 1 and 2, and yields the integer/pointer TargetRegisterClass for n equal to 3.

Important Classes

MachineFunction: The top-level data class that gets handed to your register allocator. It leads to details about both the target machine and the LLVM code of the current function.

TargetMachine: Contains mostly accessor functions to data classes. The objects returned by TargetMachine::get*() functions generally hold the answers to queries about the target architecture.

MachineInstruction: You could need almost any method of this class. This matters.

MachineOperand: This class's header has several sections; you may need the parts that regard register operands.

Key Functions

This is by no means a complete list, but it contains a few important functions that you're bound to call. These are explained pretty fully in their headers.

The TargetInstrInfo class contains quite a few methods for inserting instruction that you'll need, like storing and loading registers to or from stack locations. In particular, you may need: - TargetInstrInfo::copyRegToReg - TargetInstrInfo::storeRegToStackSlot - TargetInstrInfo::loadRegFromStackSlot

The Backup Allocator

If you've looked at RegAllocGraphColoring.cpp already, you've probably noticed that its callback function instantiates the class RegAllocBackup and calls its allocate_regs() method. RegAllocBackup is a simple, stupid register allocator, set up specifically to run on the SPARC. Calling its allocate_regs() method will perform semantically-correct but extremely inefficient register allocation on all virtual registers that remain in the MachineFunction with which it was initialized. This is initially in the runOnMachineFunction method of RegAllocGraphColoring; leave it there to let it handle floating-point registers and cases that you may have missed.

RegAllocBackup needs to keep a handful of registers to itself, to use as temporary storage. In any event, you'll want your allocator to allocate no more than 16 registers, the locals and in registers (global and out registers aren't protected across subprogram calls). In initial testing may want to allocate even fewer registers (perhaps only one or two local registers). This will allow you to test correct operation on small test programs that need (at most) only a few registers. For any TargetRegisterClass *rc, the value of RegAllocBackup::numUsableRegs(rc) returns the number of registers that your allocator can work with. So, if you use only registers obtained by rc->getRegister(i) for
0 <= i < RegAllocBackup::numUsableRegs(rc), then your register allocator and RegAllocBackup will not interfere. In any case, RegAllocBackup::numUsableRegs(rc) controls the number of registers you choose to allocate and TargetRegisterInfo::getRegister(n) determines which physical register is actually allocated.

If your final register allocator works without this safety net - you don't call RegAllocBackup, and you allocate floating-point registers yourself - then you will earn extra credit.

Check Your Work

Regression Testing

To make sure that your compiler works properly, you should frequently test that the programs it compiles compute the same output as the same programs compiled against a reference compiler. We supply a basic regression tester, rt, in ~cs701-1/public/llvm/scripts. You should copy rt to a local directory and modify it by setting llvm_bin and llc_flags to appropriate values.

The first argument to rt is assumed to be a C source file that can be compiled and run as a program. Thus, that C file should define main, and shouldn't depend on any libraries except libc. Only the standard output of the C file will be checked for correctness, so it should print its results to standard output.

Each subsequent argument to rt is assumed to be an input file. If no input files are given, no input will be passed to the compiled programs. If multiple input files are given, the compiled programs will be run once for each input file.

In the grand Unix tradition, rt will be silent if everything works and outputs of the reference and test compilations of the program match exactly.

Profiling with QPT

QPT is a program profiler and tracer. The program qpt2 instruments SPARC executables so that they print execution statistics when run. qpt2_stats uses these execution statistics to make human-readable summaries. On the CSL SunOS machines, these programs are available in /unsup/qpt2/bin.

Lightweight profiling can be performed via the count-inst script in the scripts directory. If you use only this, you needn't handle QPT directly. The command

    count-inst myprog

will instrument the SPARC executable myprog, run the instrumented program on a SPARC machine, and print the number of instructions executed in the instrumented run. If you want more detailed profiling information, feel free to copy and edit count-inst, and consult the QPT manpages: qpt2, qpt2_stats.

If the file myprog.input exists in the same directory as myprog, the count-inst will pipe the input file into myprog's standard input when it runs and measures myprog. If myprog.input does not exist there, count-inst will assume that the program doesn't expect to read from standard input.

You should use QPT to ensure that your optimized code outperforms code without those optimizations; more detailed reports can tell you exactly how many loads and stores the compiled code executes.

Submit Your Work

This project may be done individually or in two person teams. Grading requirements will be relaxed for one person implementations, especially for flawed or incomplete implementations. Assignments handed in late will be penalized 3% per day, up to a maximum of 21% for assignments handed in on October 30th.

Copy the following to your subdirectory in ~cs701-1/public/proj2/handin:

Good Luck! (And start early -- 3 weeks can pass rather quickly).