Charles N. Fischer
  Professor of Computer Sciences
  University of Wisconsin

Computer Sciences Department
University of Wisconsin
1210 W. Dayton St.
Madison, WI 53706-1685

Telephone: (608) 262-6635
Messages: (608) 262-1204
Fax: (608) 262-9777



My research interests focus on compiler design and implementation. Recently, I've been interested in how to best exploit the enormous new capabilities provided by modern computer architectures. Some of the issues my students and I have investigated include:

Recent Publications

Other Activities


Ph.D., Cornell University, 1974
"On Parsing Context-Free Languages in Parallel Environments,"
supervised by John H. Williams.

Ph.D Students

  1. Donn R. Milton, "Syntactic Specification and Analysis with Attributed Grammars," July 1977.

  2. Bruce R. Rowland, "Semantic Attribute Evaluation During Syntactic Analysis," July 1977.

  3. Stephen K. Skedzielewski, "Definition and Use of Attribute Reevaluation in Attributed Grammars," September 1978.

  4. Bernard A. Dion, "Locally Least-Cost Error Correctors for Context-Free and Context-Sensitive Parsers," December 1978.

  5. Mahadevan Ganapathi, "Retargetable Code Generation and Optimization Using Attribute Grammars," November 1980.

  6. Vimal Begwami, "A New Approach for Attribute Evaluation and Error Correction in Compilers," August 1982.

  7. Jon Mauney, "Least-cost Syntactic Error Correction Using Extended Right Context," January 1983.

  8. Gregory F. Johnson, "Context Sensitive Attribute Flow," August 1983.

  9. Anil Pal, "Generating Execution Facilities for Integrated Programming Environments," December 1986.

  10. William H. Winsborough, "Automatic, Transparent Parallelization of Logic Programs at Compile Time," August 1988.

  11. G A Venkatesh, "A Framework for Specification and Implementation of Program Analysis Algorithms," August 1989.

  12. Todd A. Proebsting, "Code Generation Techniques," August 1992.

  13. Steve Kurlander, "Approaches to Interprocedural Register Allocation," January 1996.

  14. Harish Patil, "Efficient Program Monitoring Techniques," June 1996.