Exam Schedule


Everything that was covered in class: decision trees, neural networks, search, games, propositional logic (resolution is excluded).

It will be allowed ONE 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper with notes on both sides.

Please bring a calculator (no sharing will be allowed).



Closed book. One 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper with notes on both sides allowed. Bring a calculator with you to use.

You can also bring the midterm sheet of notes, along the new one.

I have decided to grade the students of both sections together because everything was the same.

 Covers topics since the Midterm Exam, including readings, lectures, transparencies and homeworks. You are responsible for topics covered in lectures. While the exam is cumulative, the content of the questions will focus on material since the midterm. Questions may, however, refer back to issues brought up with search, so you should refresh your memories about the main ideas and methods from the material associated with the midterm examination.