Inheritance: the Card class

To save space, Javadoc comments have been removed from the code shown here in those parts of the Card class that were previously posted. See the file for the omitted Javadoc comments.

Class declaration, data members, constructor, and accessor methods

public class Card {

    private int face; // the card's face value, between 1 and 13 inclusive
    private int suit; // the card's suit; one of the class constants

    public static final int HEARTS = 1;     // class constants for the suits
    public static final int DIAMONDS = 2;
    public static final int CLUBS = 3;
    public static final int SPADES = 4;

    public Card(int face, int suit) {
        this.face = face;
        if (face < 1 || face > 13) {
            System.out.println("ERROR: invalid face value");
            this.face = 1;
        this.suit = suit;
        if (suit != HEARTS && suit != DIAMONDS && suit != CLUBS && suit != SPADES) {
            System.out.println("ERROR: invalid suit value");
            this.suit = HEARTS;

    public int getFace() { return face; }
    public int getSuit() { return suit; }

Overriding inherited methods

    public String toString() {
        String s = "";
        switch (face) {
            case 1:  s += " A"; break;
            case 11: s += " J"; break;
            case 12: s += " Q"; break;
            case 13: s += " K"; break;
            case 10: s += "10"; break;
            default: s += " " + face; break;
        switch (suit) {
            case HEARTS:   s += 'H'; break;
            case DIAMONDS: s += 'D'; break;
            case CLUBS:    s += 'C'; break;
            case SPADES:   s += 'S'; break;
        return s;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {