Output from TestSimpleMug

****** Testing accessor methods ******
*** getMaxCapacity ***
8 expected: 8
15 expected: 15
*** getCurrentAmount ***
0 expected: 0
0 expected: 0
*** getLiquidKind ***
mug1 liquid expected: mug1 liquid
mug2 liquid expected: mug2 liquid
****** Testing mutator methods ******
*** changeLiquidKind ***
new mug1 liquid expected: new mug1 liquid
*** fill ***
6 expected: 6
60 expected: 60
80 expected: 80
*** pour ***
4 expected: 4
-20 expected: -20
-5 expected: -5
*** pour followed by fill ***
3 expected: 3

Output from MugApp

And now we have 10 ounces of coffee with milk