Solution for last part of
Programming Practice: Arrays

Arrays of strings

Suppose strArray is an array of String objects that has been declared, created, and filled. 


// start out with the maximum length being the length of the first string
// and the location of where the maximum length occurs being the first string

int maxLength = (strArray[0] == null) ? 0 : strArray[0].length;  
// this takes into account the possibility that the first item is null
int maxIndex = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < strArr.length; i++) {
    if (strArr[i] != null &&              // only consider non-null array locations
        strArr[i].length() > maxLength) { // if we've found a longer string
            maxLength = strArr[i];        // update the max info
            maxIndex = i;

If there is a tie, this code will find the index of the first item with the maximum length (because we used ">", if we had used ">=" then we would have found the index of the last such item).  Note that empty strings are not a concern - they are just String objects (with a length of 0).