Class Syntax

 * Description of the class
accessSpecifier class ClassName

    // Data Members (fields)

    accessSpecifier fieldType fieldName; // description of field

    // Constructors

     * Describe what constructor does
     * @param p1 describe the first parameter
     * @param p2 describe the second parameter
    accessSpecifier ClassName(paramType paramName, paramType paramName)
        // constructor body
    // Methods

     * Describe purpose and use of the method.
     * @param p1 describe the first parameter
     * @param p2 describe the second parameter
     * @return describe the value returned
    accessSpecifier returnType methodName(paramType paramName, paramType paramName)
        // method body



 * A Human has a name and an age.  A human's name can be changed at any time.
 * A human's age only changes when the human has a birthday.
public class Human {

    private String name;  // the human's name
    private int age;      // the human's age
     * Creates a human with the given name.  The human starts out at age 0.
     * @param initName the name to give the human
    public Human(String initName) {
        name = initName;
        age = 0;
     * Returns the name of this human.
     * @return the name of the human
    public String getName() {
        return name;
     * Returns the age of this human.
     * @return the age of the human
    public int getAge() {
        return age;
     * Changes the name of this human to the new name given.
     * @param newName the new name for the human
    public void setName(String newName) {
        name = newName;
     * Causes the human to have a birthday (i.e., adds a year to the age).
    public void haveBirthday() {
        age = age + 1;