Please discuss the following questions: 1. How does your flocking system perform? Is the performance good enough for your game ideas? It performs fine for our needs. 2. How does this performance change as the size of the flock (number of objects)? Performance scales approximately linearly with the size of the flock. 3. At what point does your program break down as you increase the flock size (how many “boids” can you handle before the system feels too slow)? Around 3000. 4. When things start to get slow, where is the bottleneck in your program? How did you figure that out? (We appreciate that we haven’t given you tools for doing this scientifically) Our program is bottlenecked by both updating the boids direction and drawing all the boids. Tested drawing boids without any flocking behavior. 5. What might you do if you felt like you needed to get your system to perform with even larger flocks? (note: you may not need to do this. you can probably handle a big enough flock for your game needs -- or it’s probably easier to change your game needs). We could do several things. For example, only consider the closest k boids within some distance, rather than all of them within that distance. We could try to avoid drawing some boids that may be occluded or off the screen.