Live Not oN eviL

A brief list of Palindromes for fun:
This is the story of Natasha, her best friend, Ida, and her boyfriend Dennis. Lines starting with {} are palindromes (spelled the same forward and backward).

Natasha wishes friend Bon Voyage:
{} So, Ida, adios!

She intends to woo Ida's boyfriend, Dennis
{} Ah, Satan sees Natasha

Natasha thinks herself quite the tease, brushing up against Dennis
{} Is sensuousness I?

Dennis asks his best friend about modern fidelity
{} Dennis, no misfit, can act if Simon sinned.

Dennis falls under Natasha's spell
{} Dennis sinned

Ida is due back next week. Natasha writes herself a note:
{} Call Ida, Collect Cello, Cadillac.

When Ida comes home early, Enid and Edna see a chance to destroy Natasha
{} Enid and Edna dine

Enid and Edna invite Natasha and Dennis to a party while Ida lurks
{} Party booby trap

Ida catches Natasha nibbling Dennis's neck.
{} Draw, O Coward!

Natasha saves herself by revealing:
{} Dennis and Edna sinned

All secrets revealed, they are never again good friends
{} Do Good's deeds live on? No, Evil's deeds do, O God.

Please tell people where you got them if you pass these tidbits on. And remember:

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If you don't play with words,
they'll play with you,

Jim Gast
Never Odd Or eveN.

This page created and maintained by Jim Gast (

Updated August 1995