Jiaan Wang

Hi, my name is Jiaan Wang. My hometown is Harbin, China, a city on the north of China

I am a first year graduate student at University of Wisconsin-Maidson(UW Madison), majoring in Computer Science. I will graduate on December 2017. I received a B.Eng. degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, majoring in Information Engineering.

LinkedIn Resume


University of Wisconsin - Madison [UW Madison]

Master's Degree, Computer Engineering

Sept.2015 to Mar.2017 (expected)

Shanghai Jiao Tong University [SJTU]

Bachelor of Engineering(B.Eng.), Information Engineering

Sept.2011 to Jun.2015


SDN LoadBalancer and Router


Implemented two control applications for a software defined network (SDN) in Mininet. A layer-3 routing application installed rules in SDN switches to forward traffic to hosts using the shortest, valid path through the network based on Bellman-Ford algorithm. A load balancer application redirected new TCP connections to other backend hosts in a round-robin order.

Todo List at here


Implement a Todo List application in React as View library and Firebase as backend database. Support save, undo, redo and some other funtions.

A Simple DNS server


This project aimed at implementing my own simple DNS server. This server accepted queries from clients, and issued queries to other DNS servers in order to respond to client queries. Besides responding basic queries for A, AAAA and CNAME record, it also appended a special TXT record in response if an IP address belongs to an Amazon EC2 region.