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Call of Duty: MW3 (PlayStation 3)

ESRB Rating
100 point score based on reviews from various critics.
5 point score based on user ratings.
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The eighth main entry into the Call of Duty series, and the third in the Modern Warfare sub series, Modern Warfare 3 is a direct sequel to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. In this first-person shooter the story picks up at the end of the previous game as Russia's invasion into the United States continues, but the war has now engulfed Europe, with Great Britain, France and Germany participating, allied to the US. The player once again takes on the role of various characters throughout the campaign, including 'Soap' Mctavish from the previous game, as well as several new ones, including Frost and Sandman, members of the US Delta Force.

Next to the main story campaign with its scripted gameplay, MW3 features two cooperative game modes. The first is Spec Ops, making a return from the previous game. It has the players perform brief missions and a star is awarded based based on the performance. The second is the new Survival Mode, where players fight off different waves of enemy soldiers which get progressively harder.

The multiplayer portion comes with the usual game modes (Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, ...). In addition to these, several new game modes have been included. The first is called Kill Confirmed and requires the player to retrieve the dog tags of defeated enemies for the kill to register. The opposing team can also retrieve it to deny the player's kill. Another one, Team Defender, involves teams capturing a single flag on the map and keeping it for as long as possible to score the most points. There are also several pre-made modes for private matches, such as Infection (kill enemies to recruit them), Drop Zone (hold a zone for points and care packages), Team Juggernaut (each team has an AI Juggernaut character), and Gun Game (every player only has a pistol and three bullets, and earns extra guns and bullets by getting kills).

The Killstreak reward system from the previous games for multiplayer has been scraped in favour of the new Pointstreak system. Points are earned by completing additional challenges, next to just raking in kills. The rewards are organized in three strike packages: Assault, Support, and Specialist, each with new options and perks as they are unlocked.

Along with this game the Call of Duty: Elite service is introduced, a service that tracks player statistics and has social networking and smartphone integration. It is free, but subscribers who pay a monthly fee receive DLC, and can participate in competitions to win prizes. It also integrates with the earlier Call of Duty: Black Ops.


Call of Duty: MW3 PlayStation 3 Evading mines.
Call of Duty: MW3 PlayStation 3 Firefight on the rooftops.
Call of Duty: MW3 PlayStation 3 Assault on the beach.
Call of Duty: MW3 PlayStation 3 This TV station is still broadcasting.

Alternate Titles

  • "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3" -- Spine title

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User Reviews

There are no reviews for this game.

The Press Says

Game Chronicles Nov 09, 2011 9.8 out of 10 98
Digital Chumps Nov 09, 2011 9.4 out of 10 94
Game Informer Magazine Nov 08, 2011 9 out of 10 90
Worth Playing Nov 11, 2011 9 out of 10 90
JeuxActu Nov 08, 2011 18 out of 20 90
IGN Nov 08, 2011 9 out of 10 90
gamrReview Nov 10, 2011 8.6 out of 10 86 Nov 08, 2011 17 out of 20 85
NZGamer Nov 11, 2011 8.5 out of 10 85
PlayStation Lifestyle Nov 09, 2011 8 out of 10 80


Topic # Posts Last Post
Why is this game's name wrong? 42 no_nickname_for_now (643)
Jan 07, 2014


75th Rangers

The 75th Rangers from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 are mentioned several times throughout the game. First in the opening cutscene of "Black Tuesday", where the operational map shows the 75th Rangers involved in fighting around New York City and then again through radio broadcasts during the Paris mission. Since Hunter Two-One who are part of the 75th Rangers but not present in Modern Warfare 3 it can be assumed these references were put into the game to explain their absence between sequels. Especially considering their final mission ended on a sort-of cliffhanger.


  • GameStar/GamePro (Germany)
    • 2011 - #3 Multiplayer Game of the Year (Readers' Vote)
  • PC Games (Germany)
    • Issue 01/2012 - #2 Best Single-Player Shooter in 2011 (Readers' Choice)
    • Issue 01/2012 - #2 Best Multiplayer Shooter in 2011 (Readers' Choice)
    • Issue 01/2012 - #3 Best Game in 2011 (Readers' Choice)
    • Issue 01/2012 - #3 Best Sound in 2011 (Readers' Choice)
    • Issue 01/2012 - Biggest Disappointment in 2011 (Readers' Choice)

havoc of smeg (13034) added Call of Duty: MW3 (PlayStation 3) on Oct 30, 2011
Other platforms contributed by havoc of smeg (13034), Sciere (255575) and Kabushi (122704)