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China Warrior (Wii)

100 point score based on reviews from various critics.
5 point score based on user ratings.
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China Warrior is a game in the spirit of Kung-Fu Master. The story is of a Kung-Fu warrior named Wang who sets out to destroy the Dark Emperor and liberate China. The gameplay is a side-scroller and the goal of the game is to make it to the end of the stage and battle its boss, bashing bad guys along the way. There are only three types of attack; punch, kick and jump-kick and there are four stages in all.


There are no Wii screenshots for this game.

There are 8 other screenshots on file for other versions of this game.

Alternate Titles

  • "The Kung Fu" -- Japanese title

User Reviews

There are no reviews for this game.

The Press Says

Nintendo Life Jun 22, 2007 2 Stars2 Stars2 Stars2 Stars2 Stars2 Stars2 Stars2 Stars2 Stars2 Stars 20
IGN Jun 28, 2007 1.5 out of 10 15


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There is no trivia on file for this game.

gamewarrior (5065) added China Warrior (Wii) on Jan 08, 2009
Other platforms contributed by GTramp (34913) and Big John WV (25281)