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Dual Zone (Xbox 360)

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Developed by
100 point score based on reviews from various critics.
5 point score based on user ratings.
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Dual Zone is a fast-paced action game with space ships on a disc in space. In the Solo mode the player controls two space ships, one with each pad's thumbsticks. The red ship has to protect the blue ship from the evil red enemies and vice-versa. To protect the partner, the player has to have the ships collide with enemies of the identical color, or make them collide with the ships' particle tail. Space ships can collide with each other (and their particle tails) too. In Coop mode, each player controls one space ship.

The game contains 50 levels and a Panic mode with unlimited gameplay time. It also includes an award system that tracks both level and game skills for each player.


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AgeR (8) added Dual Zone (Xbox 360) on Dec 07, 2009