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Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition (PlayStation 3)

100 point score based on reviews from various critics.
5 point score based on user ratings.
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Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition re-tells the story of Terry and Andy Bogard's fight to avenge their father's death at the hands of Geese Howard with the use of a fully polygonal engine. The game is a 3D one-on-one fighting game that uses the standard Fatal Fury control scheme under a brand new 3D arena. Choose from a selection of classic Fatal Fury characters that includes 2 all-new characters, plus 2 secret guest stars.

Game modes include arcade, vs, and story mode, which adds pre-rendered CGI cutscenes between certain fights.


There are no PlayStation 3 screenshots for this game.

There are 11 other screenshots on file for other versions of this game.

Alternate Titles

  • "餓狼伝説 WILD AMBITION" -- Japanese spelling
  • "Garō Densetsu: Wild Ambition" -- Japanese title

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Hyper Neo Geo

Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition is one of the few games released for the Hyper Neo Geo 64, SNK's experimental and doomed 3D board that never had a home conversion. Ironically the PSOne's 32-bit hardware proved more capable in adapting the 64-bit system for a home conversion.

Mr. Karate

The game has a secret boss at the end: Mr. Karate. Now, you're probably thinking that it's Takuma Sakazaki, from the Art Of Fighting series. Well, you're wrong! Mr. Karate in this version is actually an older Ryo Sakazaki.

Information also contributed by Zovni

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Fred VT (22809) added Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition (PlayStation 3) on Jul 15, 2013
Other platforms contributed by Fred VT (22809) and Zovni (9360)