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Mafia II: Joe's Adventures (PlayStation 3)

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100 point score based on reviews from various critics.
5 point score based on user ratings.
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Joe's Adventures is the last DLC for Mafia II game and tells the story of Joe Barbaro during the time Vito has been in jail in the main game. After Vito's been ratted out and caught by the police, Joe goes to catch the gas station guy that squealed on Vito and make sure he doesn't testify. But it proves that alone won't be enough as there is another rat and entire family could be in trouble if he talks, so Joe infiltrates the witness protection place and takes care of the guy once and for all after a wild chase on the frozen river.

But despite all that, Vito goes to jail and Joe ends up with a bounty on his head and is forced to leave the city. Five years later, he returns to the city and continues the life of crime. From there, the plethora of missions become available in a similar manner to those in Jimmy's add-on contents. The missions are also much more versatile and the whole DLC is much closer to the base game and as such features new in-game cinematics with voice-acting, though they only appear during the tutorial missions and key missions for the story, while other side missions just let you take them to earn cash or score in order to unlock newer missions to progress the story.

This DLC partially lets you used clothes/vehicle DLC packs for Vito, but you will only be able to find vehicles in Joe's garage, you won't find Vito's special suits in Joe's wardrobe. Joe's Adventures add-on also features 19 new Playboy magazines you can find and collect during key missions around the town.


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MAT (73776) added Mafia II: Joe's Adventures (PlayStation 3) on May 31, 2014
Other platforms contributed by Sciere (255575)