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Pixelkiller (Xbox 360)

100 point score based on reviews from various critics.
5 point score based on user ratings.
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"Lost on a far away planet... Thank God I brought my gun!"

Pixelkiller is a deliberately retro-style action platformer where the player controls a pixel man who is lost on a strange planet. The goal of each stage is to simply reach the exit, but along the way there are enemies, gold coins, and hidden passageways. The player can move and jump, as well as fire a pistol that can destroy some (but not all) enemies as well as certain walls. Death will only send the player back a short distance, but the game keeps track of the best time, score, coin count, and death count for each of the ten stages, encouraging replays.


Pixelkiller Xbox 360 Why did you pause? Was accident.
Pixelkiller Xbox 360 A series of tubes.
Pixelkiller Xbox 360 Incredibly menacing slow-moving blobs.
Pixelkiller Xbox 360 The cracked walls can be destroyed.

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雷堂嬢太朗 -raido.jotaro- (57792) added Pixelkiller (Xbox 360) on Jun 20, 2010