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Psycho Chaser (Wii)

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100 point score based on reviews from various critics.
5 point score based on user ratings.
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Space year X2981Y. Earth has developed battle androids to fight bloodless wars. A new battle android called "Aura" was developed and sent into battle, and seemed to be leading its country to victory. However, Aura broke free of human control and revolted against the Earth, taking control of the other androids and starting a war against humanity. In a last ditch effort, humanity developed one more android, stronger than any before and imbued with the wishes of humanity, dubbed "Psycho Chaser." It is making its assault on Aura's stronghold to end the war.

Psycho Chaser is a vertically-scrolling sci-fi shooter. The player takes control of the titular battle android. There are multiple weapons which can be picked up and freely switched between, and also power-ups which allow for weapon and energy upgrades between stages.


There are no Wii screenshots for this game.

There are 9 other screenshots on file for other versions of this game.

Alternate Titles

  • "サイコチェイサー" -- Japanese spelling

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Michael Cassidy (6889) added Psycho Chaser (Wii) on Sep 23, 2014
Other platforms contributed by 雷堂嬢太朗 -raido.jotaro- (57792)