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Takedown: Red Sabre (Xbox 360)

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ESRB Rating
100 point score based on reviews from various critics.
5 point score based on user ratings.
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Takedown: Red Sabre is a tactical first-person shooter where you take control of an imaginary anti-terrorist deployment squad. The game heavily emphasizes realistic weapon control and damage and stealthy gameplay.

The game features a selection of levels, ranging from laboratories to oil rigs, each of which have been taken over by a group of terrorists. You have a choice over a variety of real-life weaponry, body armour and gadgets like breaching charges and grenades. You can customize your and your team's loadout before entering each mission.

The game has a main mission mode, a terrorist hunt and a bomb defusal mode, all of which can be played in singleplayer mode or online with friends in a CO-OP mode. The game also features deathmatch-only game modes of attack/defend, team deathmatch and a last man standing mode.


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Daedolon (3114) added Takedown: Red Sabre (Xbox 360) on May 31, 2014
Other platforms contributed by Daedolon (3114)