Almost done. Now you just need to twist any corners that aren't already
correctly orientied. Start by rotating your entire cube until you have
a misoriented corner at LFU. Do R' D' R D multiple times until
that corner is correctly oriented. Then do U (i.e. just spin your upper face) until another misoriented corner is at LFU. Repeat this until you have
all corners correctly oriented. If you have multiple misoriented corners, your
entire cube might looked all messed up until you finally correctly orient all
of them. Don't worry about it; just keep going. Once you get all the
corners correctly oriented, you might need to just spin U or D once or twice
to completely solve the cube. The complete algorithm for this stage (in
computer programming pseudo-code) is as follows:
while misoriented corners exist {
U until bad corner at RFU
do ( R ' D' R D ) until original RFU correctly oriented
U and/or D to completely solve
Congrats! You've solved it. Here's a fun page that shows how to make
various patterns from a solved cube: pattern page.
Here's a little cheat sheet with all of this same info that my friend Ben McClelland wrote:
, or as a PDF.