Lim, JungheePh.D. Computer Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, May 2011
M.S. Computer Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Dec. 2006
B.S. Computer Sciences and Engineering, Seoul National University in Korea, Jun. 2003
I am a software engineer at GrammaTech. I received my Ph.D advised by Prof. Thomas Reps in computer science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and had previously received a B.S. in computer sciences and engineering from Seoul National University. My CV is available here.
Publications (Google Scholar, Arnetminer, Microsoft Libra, DB&LP)-Ph.D Thesis
"Transformer Specification Language: A System for Generating Analyzers and its Applications", Ph.D dissertation and Tech. Rep. TR-1689, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, May 2011. [abstract]
Won the UW Computer Sciences Department's Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award for 2011.
-Journal publications
Elder, M., Lim, J., Sharma, T., Andersen, T., and Reps, T., Abstract domains of affine relations. To appear in ACM Trans. on Program. Lang. and Syst. [abstract; PDF.] © ACM, (2014). This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version will be published in ACM Trans. on Prog. Lang. and Systems.
Lim, J. and Reps. T., TSL: A system for generating abstract interpreters and its application to machine-code analysis. To appear in ACM Trans. on Program. Lang. and Syst. [abstract; PDF.] © ACM, (2013). This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version will be published in ACM Trans. on Prog. Lang. and Systems.
Wei Zhang, Chong Sun, Junghee Lim, Shan Lu, and Thomas Reps, "ConMem: Detecting Crash-Triggering Concurrency Bugs through on Effect-Oriented Approach". To appear in ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM).
Junghee Lim, Akash Lal, and Thomas Reps, "Symbolic Analysis via Semantic Reinterpretation". [abstract]
In Int. Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 13 (STTT), 1 (2011), 61-87 .
-Conference Publications
Elder, M., Lim, J., Sharma, T., Andersen, T., and Reps, T., "Abstract Domains of Affine Relations" [abstract]
In Proc. 18th International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS), 2011, Venice, Italy
Wei Zhang, Junghee Lim, Ramya Olichandran, Joel Scherpelz, Guoliang Jin, Shan Lu and Thomas Reps,
"ConSeq: Detecting Concurrency Bugs through Sequential Errors", In Proc. 16th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2011, Newport Beach, CA
Thakur, A., Lim, J., Lal, A., Burton, A., Driscoll, E., Elder, M., Andersen, T., and Reps, T., "Directed proof generation for machine code".
In Proc. Computer-Aided Verification (CAV), 2010. [abstract; Extended version (TR-1669); (c) Springer-Verlag]
Junghee Lim, Akash Lal, and Thomas Reps, "Symbolic Analysis via Semantic Reinterpretation". [abstract]
In Proc. SPIN Workshop on Model Checking of Software, 2009, Grenoble, France.
Junghee Lim and Thomas Reps, "A System for Generating Static Analyzers for Machine Instructions", [Extended version (TR-1622)]
In Proc. International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC), 2008, Budapest, Hungary.
Won the EAPLS Best Paper Award at ETAPS 2008.
Junghee Lim, Thomas Reps, and Ben Liblit, "Extracting File Formats from Executables",
In Proc. 13th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE), 2006, Benevento, Italy.
Akash Lal, Junghee Lim, Marina Polishchuk, and Ben Liblit,
"Path Optimization in Programs and its Application to Debugging", [Extended version (TR-1535)
In Proc. European Symposium on Programming (ESOP), 2006, Vienna, Austria.
Balakrishnan, G., Reps, T., Kidd, N., Lal, A., Lim, J., Melski, D., Gruian, R., Yong, S., Chen, C.-H., and Teitelbaum, T.,
"Model checking x86 executables with CodeSurfer/x86 and WPDS++", (tool-demonstration paper),
In Proc. Computer Aided Varification (CAV), 2005, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Chanik Park, Junghee Lim, Kiwon Kwon, Jaejin Lee and Sang Lyul Min,
"Compiler Assisted Demand Paging for Embedded Systems with Flash Memory",
In Proc. 4th ACM International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT), 2004, Pisa, Italy.
-Invited Papers
Reps, T., Lim, J., Thakur, A., Balakrishnan, G., and Lal, A., "There's plenty of room at the bottom: Analyzing and verifying machine code" (Invited tutorial). In Proc. Computer Aided Verification, July 2010. [abstract; (c) Springer-Verlag]
Reps, T., Balakrishnan, G., and Lim, J. "Intermediate-representation recovery from low-level code".
In Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM) 2006, Charleston, SC.
Reps, T., Balakrishnan, G., Lim, J., and Teitelbaum, T., "A next-generation platform for analyzing executables",
In 3rd Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS) 2005, Tsukuba, Japan.
-Other publications and Reports
Junghee Lim and Thomas Reps, "BCE: Extracting botnet commands from bot executables".
TR-1668, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, February 2010. [abstract]
Akash Lal, Junghee Lim, and Thomas Reps, "MCDASH: Refinement-based property verification for machine code".
TR-1659, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, June 2009. [abstract]
Last modified: January, 2013
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