Krakow, Poland - April 20, 2003 - Easter Sunday

Part I / II / III / IV / V / VI / VII

It's easter Day in Poland..and that can mean only one thing: church! I headed to St. Margaret's and caught the Polish mass. Pretty much everything the same except in Polish...and strictly under one hour, since masses are held on an hourly basis!

Click HERE to watch a clip from the Polish Easter mass I went to.

The organist at St. Margaret's...

The Poles feeding the pigeons after Easter mass in the rynek.

I remember having things like this around on Easter...

A picture of the walking paths that encircle the old town of Krakow. There are quite a lot of spaces like this which are nice for strolling around in on a lazy weekend day...

Looking in towards the old town from just outside.

One of the many nuns you see walking about just about everywhere in Poland.

I know someone who likes making sun catchers like this too!

Krakow is also a walled's the entrance...

A monument to the famous battle of Grunwald.

A machine for weighing I don't know what...right in the middle of everything. I saw two of things while in Poland.

A Polish grandma and her Polish grandson chatting on Easter...

The other half of the rynek in Krakow's old town. Food, music, lots and lots of flowers, and many other things are sold here. Had some real Polish kielbasa here in fact...

Looking back at the old city of Krakow from over the Wisla river...same one as in Warszawa.

During the evening, I headed over to the Beethoven festival...5 dollars!

Started with the Leonore Overture...

Then a Mozart piano concerto. And wrapped up with Beethoven's 3rd symphony, the Eroica. You can maybe see people standing along the sides of this picture...that's because the tradition is that everyone that wants to go the concert gets to go...tho you may not get a seat. A good tradition nevertheless I'd say...took advantage of it the next night as well.

Au concert j'ai rencontre encore deux nouveux amis francais, Christoph and Elise, de Nyon et Dijon respectivement. Encore, des francais tres gentilles! On a passe la nuit apres le concert a un pub en parlant de la France, des Etats Unis, le Texas et M. Bush, les frites de la liberte, etc. etc. Elise m'a donne l'idee de emprunter quelques verres polonaises des pubs, et apres cette nuit j'ai commence a faire exactement ca. Okocim et Zwyiec sont les miens! Merci a vous pour votre accompagnement!

Part I / II / III / IV / V / VI / VII