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Our first stop of the drive, Nashville, TNBiggest sandwich ever."Snuba" diving near Belize City
If you look real hard, you can pretend to see coral.Paul on the floor of the Gulf.After snuba diving, we stopped at a secluded island (for only about 45 minutes)
Our snuba guideIn Belize CityKacey and I decided to tour Cozumel on a moped. I let her drive
The first of the gourgeous and not-too-crowded beaches in Cozumel.The southern tip of Cozumel had rock formations instead of beaches ...... and the waves created some neat geysers.
A wild lizard outside a Jimmy Buffet bar in Cozumel.Dressed up fancy for formal dinner on the shipKacey won the ship's hula contest. Her prize, a plastic medal.
The ice and food sculptors aboard the ship were really talented, but I felt silly watching all the wasteful productions on the ship when we stopped in such poverty stricken locations.One of the many towel animals we returned to our room to findCooking mondel bread with Grandma
The underground river in Olno State Park in northern Floriday.This is the first time I remember seeing a river descend underground. Massive root formations pulled up oddly square shaped patches of dirt. Taken in Reed Bingham State Park in souther Georgia.
Our first stop in the Georgia Aquarium, petting baby sharks and devil rays.Obviously I had the camera the whole time.The jellyfish wall
The mammoth tank. The 'glass' in front is over a foot thickTunnel underneath the mammoth tankStanding atop Lookout Mountain overlooking Chatanooga.
Visiting Kacey's family in Nashville on the way back north.The weather got so bad on our drive through Kentucky that we had to stop for the night. The next day, we lost count of the number of semis and cars we saw in the ditch.