Preparing for our coming day of hiking with a few caguamas. | Our first view of the volcano La Malinche, 14,646' at the peak. Within hours, 60% of us will reach the summit. | ~9:00a.m., two hours and one near-death experience in the car later, we've reached the base. A 3000'+ vertical hike ensues. |
Early on in the trail, while we still had some cover from the sun and wind. At this point, good spirits abound and people are moving swiftly. Give it time. | The "trail" continues up to the ridge seen here, and along the ridge to the peak. | Believe it or not, I'm in that picture somewhere. |
Chris and Michael are the specks on the ridge. | Matt looking down from the summit. | Some of the toughest hiking I've ever done. A combination of the altitude, the cold, and the difficult trail led to my ever decreasing pace. |
| The Malloy brothers and the other snow capped peaks of Puebla. | Luciano on the ridge. |
Looking out at Cholula | The Dia de Muertos festival in Puebla. |