June 26th

Not quite a Redwood, but the rainforest and northern Olympic NP had their share of huge trees.My parents in front of Merrymere Falls, just south of Lake Crescent.More Merrymere.
The powerful Sol Duc Falls.A different angle of the Sol Duc Falls.Atop a bridge over the Sol Duc Falls.
After a few hikes, we relaxed by Lake Crescent on the north end of the park.We were initially disappointed that we couldn't rent any motor powered boats for Lake Crescent, but these hydro bikes turned out to be incredible fun.Supposedly you can ride around 5mph, with peak speeds of 8-10mph. I obviously had no way to gauge this :)
After I did laps around them, Kacey and my mom turned in their dinky peddleboat for their own hydrobikes.The bikes had surprisingly good agility in the water. My only complaint is the rusted chain that jumped every revolution or so.Maybe I'm going 10 mph here?