Two 7:20 AM flights on one trip. At least we got a pretty sunrise in Milwaukee. | Inside the NASA visitors area (tourist trap!). | The cockpit of a Canadian space shuttle. |
Robert guided us to a great concert at Mucky Duck's Friday evening. Ray Wylie Hubbard puts on a great show. | A Texan at heart, David Adickes is into building huge statues. He's working on a bust of every president... | ...and he already has this massive recreation of the Beatles in place. He's on record as saying "I'm into overkill." |
GWB has got elephants on his tie. | A nice view from just outside Tracey's overlooking downtown Austin. | The famous UT Tower in the background. Recently reopened since Whitman's shooting in 1966. |
Robert and Kacey in one of countless 6th street bars visited. |