Behemoth II Super-heavy tank


Behemoth II model b

Originally posted on July 18, 1997

If you think the price is a little steep on this thing, keep in mind
that the level 3 version, with an XXL engine, ended up costing over
400 million c-bills.  Too bad the Taurian Concordat doesn't really
have the ability to build XXL engines...

For decades, manufacturers located in the Taurian Concordat looked
with envy at the large, expensive vehicles and battlemechs
manufactured by their more technologically advanced neighbors.  When
recovered Star League technology hit the market, their jealousy became
too great - they had to act.

At first, it was simply a few solo efforts - Taurus Territorial
Industries created the PLG-3TCa and b Pillager battlemechs, and their
competitors, Vandenberg Mechanized Industries, created the GRF-3TC
Griffin.  Both companies' offerings were an astounding success,
purchased by various Inner Sphere powers who thought there was nothing
whatsoever wrong with purchasing a 12 million C-bill medium mech or a
31 million C-bill assault mech.

Now, TTI and VMI have combined their efforts to create a worthy
successor to the popular Davion heavy tank, the behemoth.  Like their
Pillager and Griffin offerings, the Behemoth II was designed from the
ground up to be extremely expensive.  As a direct consequence of the
use of the latest design materials and techniques, there was plenty of
tonnage available for weaponry, creating what the sales brochures
enthusiastically call "the most devastating heavy tank on the market."

Of course, such an expensive monstrosity would never be suitable for
domestic sales.  The Taurian Defense Forces do not have the money nor
the inclination to purchase a large number of top-of-the-line
super-heavy tanks.  To meet their needs, a smaller version, the
Behemoth II model b, was created.

Behemoth II
Type: Inner Sphere level 2 super-heavy tank
Tonnage:                200
Engine: 400 XL           39.5
  Cruise: 2
  Flank:  3
  Type: tracked
Control Components:      10
Internal Structure:      40
Heat Sinks: 10            0
Turret:                   6
Sponson turrets:          0.5
Armor: 412 (ff)          23
  Front:   82-20
  F-sides: 60-20
  R-sides: 50-20
  Rear:    50-20
  Turret:  60-20
Weapons and equipment:
V-flamer        LSp     0.5
V-flamer        RSp     0.5
V-flamer ammo 20 B      1
2 MG            LSp     1
2 MG            RSp     1
MG ammo 100     B       0.5
SRM2            LSp     1
SRM2            RSp     1
SRM2 ammo 50    B       1
CASE            B       0.5
2 AM Guns       T       1
AM ammo 48      B       4
2 Gauss Rifle   T      30
Gauss ammo 40   B       5
2 LB-10X        T      22
LB ammo 20 (C)  B       2
LB ammo 20 (S)  B       2
PPC             T       7

Cost:  89,209,388 C-bills
Battle Value:
  Defensive: 519
  Offensive: 1,118
  Total: 1,637

Behemoth II model b
Type: Inner Sphere level 2
Tonnage:                100
Engine: 200 ICE          17
  Cruise: 2
  Flank:  3
  Type: tracked
C.C.:                     5
I.S.:                    10
Heat Sinks: none          0
Turret:                   3
Sponson turrets:          0.5
Armor: 320 (standard)    20
  Front:  80
  Sides:  60
  Rear:   60
  Turret: 60
Weapons and equipment:
V-flamer        LSp     0.5
V-flamer        RSp     0.5
V-flamer ammo 20 B      1
2 MG            LSp     1
2 MG            RSp     1
MG ammo 100     B       0.5
SRM2            LSp     1
SRM2            RSp     1
SRM2 ammo 50    B       1
2 LRM 5         T       4
LRM 5 ammo 24   B       1
Gauss Rifle     T      15
Gauss ammo 24   B       3
LB-10X          T      11
LB ammo 30      B       2

Cost: 3,385,666
Battle Value:
  Defensive: 304
  Offensive: 623
  Total: 927

The Behemoth II mounts an extremely large amount of weaponry.  Its
primary weapons battery consists of two Gauss Rifles, two LB-10X
autocannons, and one PPC, mounted in the turret.  Its primary weaponry
gives the Behemoth II the ability to deal massive amounts of damage at
long, medium and short ranges.

Defensively, the Behemoth II mounts two turret-mounted anti-missile
systems with two tons of ammo apiece.  This should provide a defense
against SRMs, one of a large tank's worst nightmares.  For
anti-infantry defense, the tank mounts on each side-facing sponson
turret a flamer, two machine guns and an SRM 2, which may be loaded
with either explosive or inferno ammunition.  This armament is able to
destroy large amounts of unarmored infantry.  (For armored infantry,
TTI and VMI recomment use of the main weaponry.)

The armor protection of the Behemoth II is superb.  Over 20 tons of
armor give it protection equivalent to that of an assault battlemech.

While its maximum speed of 32 kph is ridiculously slow by some
standards, the designers of the Behemoth II believe that it is not a
burden on the tank, when used in its primary roles - assaulting
prepared positions, and defending strategic locations.  The sight of a
tank that masses twice as much as the largest battlemech is certain to
make any opponent uncertain of their success, and few raiders will
risk attacking an objective guarded by one.

Some critics have appeared, claiming that a tank that costs more than
some dropships is horribly over-priced.  TTI and VMI respectfully
disagree, pointing to other, even more popular tanks and mechs that
mount expensive components, such as XL engines, for little or no
reason.  Rumors that quote certain high-level TTI executives as saying
"There's a sucker born every minute" are completely false, say TTI and
VMI spokespersons, and sales to neighboring realms and mercenary units
continue to rise.

The Behemoth II model b, intended for domestic sales, is different in
several major ways from the standard edition.  Its much smaller size
allows it to not only use bridges more effectively, but fit into
standard dropship vehicle transport cocoons, enhancing its
deployability.  Its main weaponry is not as great as the standard
edition, but its paired Gauss Rifle - LB-10X combo is still to be
respected, and the anti-infantry armament of the two is identical. The
addition of two LRM-5 units rounds out the model b's weapons
complement.  Most importantly, it costs just under 1/26th that of the
standard edition, allowing customers without billions of c-bills to
spend to take advantage of the new tank.

Over 100 Behemoth IIs have been sold, with the primary purchasers
being the Federated Commonwealth and certain large mercenary units.
In addition, an unspecified number of Behemoth II model b's have been
purchased by the Taurian Defense Forces and Magistracy Armed Forces,
and have been placed in reserve units across these two realms.

Battle History
The Behemoth II has yet to see combat.

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