
Originally posted on February 26, 1998

Inspired by the recent "Bunny" (since renamed the Deputy.)  No fluff
text this time; like the Deputy, is designed to be a cheap alternative
to the Alacorn.  I'm not sure how much this costs (I'm using TVF
again), but I'm sure that one could buy a couple dozen for the cost of
one Alacorn.

Type: Gnat
Tech base: IS level 2
Tonnage:                30
Engine: 70 ICE           4
  Cruise: 3
  Flank:  5
  Movement type: wheeled
CC:                      1.5
IS:                      3
HS: 0                    0
Turret tonnage:          1.5
Armor: 48 (standard)     3
  Front:  10-3
  L/RS:   10-3
  Rear:    8-3
  Turret: 10-3
Gauss Rifle     T       15
Gauss ammo 16   B        2

Cost: ???

Who'd win, a Gnat or a Flea?

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