HCT-5TC Hatchetman

Originally posted on rec.games.mecha December 13, 1996

HCT-5TC Hatchetman
Tech Base: Inner Sphere 3055 (Level 2)

Tonnage:                45
Engine: 225             10
Cockpit:                         3
Gyro:                    3
I.S.: (Standard)         4.5
J.J.: (5 m.p.s)          2.5
Heat Sinks: 11(22)       1
Armor: 144               9
 Head:    9-3
   CT: 20/7-14
 L/RT: 15/7-11
 L/RA:   14-7
 L/RL:   18-11
 Hatchet        RA      3
 ER PPC 	RT      7
 Med. Laser     LT      1
 Med. Laser     CT      1

Critical placement:
Jump Jet
Med. Laser

double heat sink
Med. Laser

double heat sink


2 Jump Jets

2 Jump Jets

Contrary to the opinions of Davion Intelligence,
Taurus Territorial Industries has been manufacturing
HCT-3S Hatchetmen at its plant on Taurus since the
mid-3030s.  Now, with the advent of recovered Star
League technology, TTI has rolled out its new, 
improved HCT-5TC Hatchetman.  Leaving most systems 
essentially unchanged, TTI has succeeded in 
addressing many of the HCT-3S's flaws without 
sacrificing any of its capabilities.

By replacing the troublesome autocannon with a new
TTI ER-PPC, the engineers at TTI were able to replace
the underpowered GM 180 fusion engine with a new 
model, the GM 225, increasing the mech's top speed
from 62 kph to over 83 kph.  This, coupled with an
additional 3 tons of Durallex Medium armor and the 
range advantage of the ER PPC over the autocannon give
the HCT-5TC the ability to survive in environments
previously off-limits.  The additional heat buildup 
of the ER PPC is compensated for by the addition of 
double strength heat sinks, and the two medium lasers
are moved from the arms to the torsos, allowing 
greater flexibility in close combat.  Also, without 
any ammunition-dependent weapons, the HCT-5TC is 
much easier to keep in the field for long periods 
of time.  The amount of advanced design materials was 
purposely kept to a minimum, in order to aid in the 
repair process and speed the design into the 
production phase more rapidly than would otherwise 
have been possible.  This has the side effect of 
keeping the cost increase low, allowing the TDF to 
purchase a much larger complement of the machines.

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