Regulator - TC

Originally posted on December 5, 1998

This design has been tickling the back of my brain for a little while,
so I figured I'd post it and see what y'all thought.

The Regulator - TC came about as the result of two separate efforts.
The first was an initiative by the Taurian Defense Forces to replace
the excellent Gladius Medium Tank, new units of which were no longer
available because of tensions between the Taurian Concordat and Marian
Hegemony.  The second was an attempt by Vandenburg Mechanized
Industries to augment its vehicle line.  VMI's primary competitor
Pinard Protectorates Limited had produced a wide array of light,
medium and heavy tanks, dominating domestic combat vehicle production
for decades.  After meeting with TDF oficials, VMI approached Aldis
Industries, manufacturer of the vaunted Regulator hover tank on
Betelgeuse in the Capellan Confederation.  The last obstacle to the
new design was removed when Capellan Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao, seeking
to increase his goodwill among periphery nations, gave Aldis the
go-ahead to license the design to VMI.  Nine months later, the first
Regulator - TC rolled off the assembly line on New Vandenburg.

Though the vaunted Inokuma Gauss Rifle is the centerpiece of the
Capellan Regulator, VMI engineers were uncertain as to their ability
to manufacture it in quantities large enough to meet demand.  The
redesigned Regulator - TC mounts instead a massive VMI SuperCannon 20
with almost as much ammunition as the original's Gauss Rifle had.
Mounting a weapon of this size on a platform this fast gives the TDF
unprecedented tactical opportunities and promises to revitalize the
Taurian armored corps.

One variant of the Regulator - TC has aroused considerable interest.
The massive AC-20 is removed and replaced with a paired PPC and
LRM-15.  The LRM-15's 3 tons of ammunition provide it with the ability
to fire continuously for four minutes before running out. 

Type: Regulator - TC
Tonnage:                45
Engine: 170 fusion       9
  Cruise: 9
  Flank: 14
  Type: hover
IS:                      4.5
CC:                      2.5
Lift Equipment:          4.5
HS:                     10
Turret:                  1.5
Armor: 108 (ff)          6
  Front:  30-5
  L/RS:   16-5
  Rear:   16-5
  Turret: 30-5
AC-20           T       14
AC ammo 15      B        3

Cost: 2,142,250
BV: 647

Variant Weapons:
PPC             T        7
LRM-15          T        7
LRM ammo 24     B        3

Variant Cost: 2,398,750
BV: 917

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