1. Locate an article in a scientific journal that is interesting to you and that uses statistics. Make copies for yourself and for me (staple the pages). Use a paper clip to attach a 3 by 5 card with your name, major, year in school, phone number, and e-mail address to the article. 2. Briefly describe the method of data collection. If the authors make comparisons between groups, are the groups determined by an observed characteristic (such as sex) or by an experimental procedure (such as random assignment to different treatment regimes)? 3. What is one scientific question that your article addresses? 4. What results (if any) does the article include regarding the scientific question? 5. Select one graph from the article (if it has one). Describe the included variables. What does the graph show? 6. Identify a variable that is measured by the authors. What are the units of measurement? Is the variable summarized with a statistic? If so, what is the value of the statistic? 7. Identify a method of statistical analysis used by the authors and report a given result. 8. Send an e-mail message to [larget@stat.wisc.edu] with the subject line ``Stat 371 Survey''. The message should be in the following format. Name: Bret Larget Discussion section: Mon 1pm major year sibs sibRank milesHome milesLiveNow hoursSleep bloodType sex height mathematics senior 4 1 5 5 6.5 O+ M 70 Use your own name and discussion section. Put the categories on a single line and your responses on the following single line with spaces between responses. This format will make it easier for me to create a file that can be read into R. The details for each item are described here. [major] Your major in school, such as `genetics', `zoology', or `biology'. [year] Your year in school (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, graduate). [sibs] How many siblings do you have, including yourself? Use your own definition of whom you consider to be a sibling. [sibRank] What is your birth order among the siblings counted above? Use 1 for the oldest, 2 for the second oldest, etcetera. [milesHome] How far is `home' from campus in miles? Define home to be where you grew up, for the most part. Be as accurate as you can to the nearest mile --- estimate if necessary. [milesLiveNow] How far is the CSSC building from where you live now in miles? Be as accurate as you can to the nearest mile --- estimate if necessary. [hoursSleep] How many hours of sleep to you get each night, on average? [bloodType] What is your bloodtype? [sex] M or F. [height] What is your height in inches?