CS 537 - Quiz #7 1. Using an FFS-style file system, how many disk reads would it take to open the file "/a/b/c/d.txt"? (Recall: a file is considered "open" after we've read its inode.) 2. Inodes in this system have 12 direct pointers and 2 indirect pointers. Disk addresses are 4 bytes long, and disk blocks are 4KB in size. "d.txt" is a large file, containing 1036 blocks. If we already have its inode loaded into memory, how many more blocks do we have to read to get the entire file? 3. Let's change that inode structure: now we've only got a single, double- indirect pointer. After opening a very large file (as large as this structure can support), what is the largest number of blocks we would have to read (worst case scenario) to perform 50 random reads within the file?