Biography - Education - Activities - Favorite Food - Christianity


Welcome to my Virtual Home where everyone is invited to explore more about me!

Feel free to click on every links here as you want to and do not hesitate to contact me by clicking my name on the top-right-hand-corner of your screen.

I am open to any comments, suggestions, and critics about the website.
Enjoy your visit!


Andry Lie

Biography: up

I was born and raised all of my life in Jakarta, Indonesia.
My passion was to practice martial art, both Karate and Kung-Fu. Due to an injury, I have to quit exercising.

My passion now is to learn the cutting edge technology. In my opinion, internet is the best invention of the century. This eSolution will be the future and foundation of technology.

So far, I am very interested in learning:
  • HTML
  • JavaScript and VB Script
  • CGI Script

Education: up
  1. Pangudi Luhur High School - Jakarta, Indonesia
  2. Edgewood College - Madison, Wisconsin
  3. University of Wisconsin - Madison, Wisconsin

Activities: up
  • Indonesian Christian Fellowship - Madison, Wisconsin
  • Indonesian Students Association - Madison, Wisconsin
  • Economics Students Association - Madison, Wisconsin

Favorite Food:up
  • Chicken Noodle!
  • Fried Rice

Christianity: up

I am proud to call my self a Christian. It has been along way to get here. If you want to talk about Christianity, you can contact me. Or if you want to do a research / need a reference on the Web, here is some of my favorite sites:


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