The topics and schedules are subject to change.

We thank Prof Brian Curless and Prof Jingyi Yu for granting the permission of using their course slides.

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


Lecture1: Introduction
Slides, Readings
24 25
Lecture2: Image Formation
Slides, Readings
2 28
Lecture3: Image Sampling
Slides, Readings
Due at noon: Class Survey
29 30
Lecture 4: Compositing and Resampling
Slides, Readings
31 1
Lecture5: Resampling, Compositing, and Filtering
Slides, Readings
3 4
Lecture 6: Painterly Rendering and Edges
Slides, Readings
5 6
Lecture 7: Image Warping
Slides, Readings
Due at noon: Project 1 Preliminaries
7 8
Lecture8: Morphing, Dynamic Range, and Trichromacy
Slides, Readings
4 11
Lecture9: 3D Transform
Slides, Readings
Due at noon: Project 1 Checkpoint
12 13
Lecture10: Projection
Slides, Readings
14 15
Lecture11: Projection, Rasterization
Slides, Readings
5 18
Lecture12: Antialiasing, Visibility,
Slides, Readings
Due at noon: Project 1 Theory Assignment
19 20
Lecture13:  OpenGL: Intro and Primitives
Slides, Readings
21 22
Lecture14: OpenGL: ModelView
Slides, Readings
6 25
Lecture15: Shading
Slides, Readings
Due at noon: Project 1
26 27
Lecture16: OpenGL: Lighting
Slides, Readings
28 29
Lecture17: FLTK and 3D UI
Slides, Readings
7 3
Lecture18: Curves
Slides, Readings
Due at noon: Project 2 Written Background
4 5
Lecture19: Curves
Slides, Readings:
6 7
Lecture20: Curves
Slides, Readings

8 10
Lecture21: Texture Mapping (Mike Gleicher)
Slides, Readings
Due at noon: Project 2 OpenGL signs of life
11 12
Lecture22: Subdivision Bezier, B-Spline, and Texture Mapping
Slides, Readings
13 14
Lecture23: Project 2 Review
Slides, Readings
9 17 18 19 20 21
10 24
Lecture24: Project 2 Review
Slides, Readings
Due at noon: Project 2 written assignment
25 26
Lecture25: Midterm Review
Slides, Readings
27 28
Lecture26: In-class Midterm Exam
Slides, Readings
11 31
Lecture27: Project 2 and Midterm Review
Slides, Readings
Due at noon: Project 2 Programming Checkpoint
1 2
Lecture28: Texture Mapping: Basics
Slides, Readings
3 4
Lecture29: Texture Mapping: OpenGL
Slides, Reading:
12 7
Lecture30: Texture mapping: OpenGL
Slides, Readings
Due at noon: Project 2
8 9
Lecture31: Environment map and Multiple Texture
Slides, Readings
10 11
Lecture32: In-class Demo, Shadow Map and Blending
Slides, Readings
13 14
Lecture33: Shape modeling: Overview and Polygonal Meshes
Slides, Readings
Due at noon: Project 3 Written Assignment: Lighting and Texture
15 16
Lecture34: Shape Modeling: Sweep Objects, Quad-tree, and Parametric Surfaces
Slides, Readings
17 18
Lecture35: Paramatric Surfaces and Subdivision
Slides, Readings
14 21
Lecture36: Subdivision
Slides, Readings
Due: Project 3 Checkpoint
22 23
Lecture37: Subdivision and Fractal
Slides, Readings
24 25
Lecture38: Animation
Slides, Readings
15 28
Lecture39: Animation and Ray Tracing
Slides, Readings

29 30
Lecture40: Raytracing
Slides, Readings
1 2
Lecture41: Image-based Rendering and Lighting
Slides, Readings
16 5
Lecture42: 3D Photography
Slides, Reading
Due at noon: Project 3
6 7
Lecture43: Final Exam Review
8 9
Lecture44: Final Review and In-class Demo
17 Final Exam: Saturday, May 17th, 7:45-9:45AM, COMP S&ST 1257