
Adapted from Stephen J. Chenney's Tutorial
Modified by Yu-Chi Lai in 2005
Modified by Yoh in 2007 (updated for VS05)

This tutorial will introduce you to VS05 and walk you through the creation of the classic Hello World program. There are five simple steps to this tutorial.

Lets get started.

1.  Step 1: Create a Console Project


2.  Step 2: Add New Source File


3.  Step 3: Add Code

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** args)
   cerr << "Hello World" << endl;
   return 0;

4.  Step 4: Set Intermediate Directory

Unfortunately there are currently some issue with VS05 and AFS (the unified file system used by the department). VS05 creates some temporary files when compiling programs and AFS is currently preventing this from happening. So to remedy this situation we're going to have VS05 put the temporary files on the local drive. These files will be lost when you logout but they're only temporary files anyway so that's ok.


5.  Step 5: Build Project


6.  Step 6: Run the Program


Source Code