Projects / Visual Studio Tutorial1

Adapted from Stephen J. Chenney's Tutorial
Modified by Yu-Chi Lai in 2005
Modified by Yoh in 2007 (updated for VS05)
Modified by Eilbert in 2009 (updated for VS08)

This tutorial will introduce you to VS08 and walk you through the creation of the classic Hello World program. There are five simple steps to this tutorial.

On this page...

  1. 1. Step 0: Getting Visual Studio 2008
  2. 2. Step 1: Create a Console Project
  3. 3. Step 2: Add New Source File
  4. 4. Step 3: Add Code
  5. 5. Step 4: Build Project
  6. 6. Step 5: Run the Program

Lets get started.

1.  Step 0: Getting Visual Studio 2008

One option for using Visual Studio is to work in one of the Windows labs in the CS building. If you prefer to work at home, and you would like an install DVD for VS08, contact Sajika with a blank DVD. Otherwise, if you have plenty of bandwidth (and patience), you can get VS08 on DreamSpark but you'll need to have (or set up) a Windows Live account. Alternatively, and also requiring high bandwidth, you can sign up for MSDNAA (contact CSL about getting an account). If you go this route, also make sure to update to Service Pack 1.

2.  Step 1: Create a Console Project

3.  Step 2: Add New Source File

4.  Step 3: Add Code

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** args)
   cerr << "Hello World" << endl;
   return 0;

5.  Step 4: Build Project

6.  Step 5: Run the Program