(300) What is the output if NullPointerException occurs at line A? error message + stack trace (300) What is the output if IndexOutOfBoundsException occurs at line E? ERROR 4 DONE BAR DONE (300) What is the output if IndexOutOfBoundsException occurs at line F? error message + stack trace DONE METHODX DONE BAR DONE (300) What is the output if ArithmeticException occurs at line E? ERROR 2 DONE (300) What is the output if ArithmeticException occurs at line F? DONE METHODX ERROR 2 DONE (300) What is the output if NumberFormatException occurs at line F? ERROR 5 DONE METHODX DONE BAR DONE (300) What is the output if NO EXCEPTIONS occur anywhere? DONE METHODX DONE BAR DONE (300) What is the output if ClassCastException occurs at line C? DONE error message + stack trace (300) If "ERROR 1" prints out, what exception occurred at what line? IndexOutOfBoundsException at line C ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (200) What is the output if ArithmeticException occurs at line B? error message + stack trace (200) What is the output if ArithmeticException occurs at line C? ERROR 2 DONE (200) What is the output if ArithmeticException occurs at line D? ERROR 2 DONE (200) What is the output if NullPointerException occurs at line B? error message + stack trace DONE METHODX DONE BAR DONE (200) What is the output if NullPointerException occurs at line E? ERROR 3 DONE BAR DONE (200) What is the output if NullPointerException occurs at line F? DONE METHODX ERROR 3 DONE BAR DONE (200) What is the output if IndexOutOfBoundsException occurs at line C? ERROR 1 DONE (200) What is the output if IndexOutOfBoundsException occurs at line D? ERROR 4 DONE BAR DONE (200) What is the output if NumberFormatException occurs at line E? DONE error message + stack trace ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (100) What is the output if NumberFormatException occurs at line A? error message + stack trace (100) What is the output if NumberFormatException occurs at line B? error message + stack trace (100) What is the output if NumberFormatException occurs at line C? DONE error message + stack trace (100) What is the output if NumberFormatException occurs at line D? DONE error message + stack trace (100) What is the output if NullPointerException occurs at line C? DONE error message + stack trace (100) What is the output if NullPointerException occurs at line D? ERROR 3 DONE BAR DONE (100) What is the output if IndexOutOfBoundsException occurs at line A? error message + stack trace (100) What is the output if IndexOutOfBoundsException occurs at line B? error message + stack trace (100) What is the output if ArithmeticException occurs at line A? error message + stack trace